
Autism Spectrum Disorders

It is now understood that the underlying cause of many of the disorders labeled in the Autism Spectrum of Disorders (we don't like the labels) are a result of functional imbalance of brain activity within each side and/or between the right and left sides of the brain. What does that mean?? It means that the brain has not grown in a balanced fashion and most children on the autistic spectrum are suffering from a problem with the right side of the brain.


The causes of these Autistic Spectrum Disorders are extraordinarily complex:

  • Toxic chemicals
  • Heavy metal
  • Yeast
  • Gluten, casein, soy
  • Food sensitivities
  • Immune system
  • Genetics

These are ALL factors and must be investigated if your child is ever going to communicate, be social or have an independent life.

Too many doctors don't understand that each child is unique.  One-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter protocols don't do your child justice-and aredoomed to fail.

Below we have outlined the components of how to achieve the life-changing results for your loved one.

Brain Based Care

Through the principles of neuroplasticity we know that the brain has the ability to grow in two ways…

One, it can create new connections between the cells in the nervous system (neurons).

Two, the brain can also increasing the size and health of the brain cells.  When the cells become more healthy and interconnected, the brain is able to communicate and restore balance.

We now know that in addition to helping the cells in the brain that are already in place grow, there is strong evidence that with the right kinds of stimulation, the brain is actually capable of creating new brain cells!

By using a combination of environmental and cognitive stimulation, brain pathways can be stimulated to improve the timing and rhythm between the two halves of the brain and make them more coherent.

Our program addresses your child's underlying brain dysfunction through our unique protocols which target sensory/motor deficits, neuro-cognitive/academic concerns, and bio-nutritional needs.

the life-changing results for your loved one.

Bio-Nutritional Care

Autism spectrum disorders are no different in etiology than any other neurotoxic disorder. Perhaps the only difference being in an autistic child is that the brain is not fully developed completely. This accounts for the differences in some of the symptoms that are expressed such as the inability to adapt in social settings and language delays associated commonly with problems in the right side of the brain.

According to new research by Dr. Martin Pall, it appears that there is no difference in biochemistry at the cellular level. Autistic children like neurotoxic adults with unexplainable illnesses all have an increased level of oxidative stress and inflammation. This is due to abnormal levels of nitric oxide and its cell damaging free radicals peroxynitrite and superoxide. It is imperative to address toxicity because it is an underlying cause of the vicious cycle of oxidative stress and inflammation which occurs in different organ cells in the body. The fact that this vicious cycle occurs in certain cells and not others gives an explanation of a variety of symptoms in both children and adults.

Children on the Autism Spectrum present with a toxic encephalitis (brain inflammation caused by toxicity). The vicious cycle of oxidative stress that Dr. Martin Pall speaks of (NO/ONOO cycle) must be down regulated in the brain cells of these children. As with our neurotoxic adult patients it is important to remove the cause of this vicious cycle (ie: toxicity such as mercury, lead, virus, etc.) as well as down regulate the cycle and reduce the cellular inflammation. Raising GSH is an absolute must when dealing with any neurotoxic patient especially autistic spectrum children. Studies show that GSH decreases with age and toxic exposure. These diminished levels manifest in increased oxidative stress associated with neurological conditions such as: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, ALS and Autism. Studies have shown that children with autism has a significantly decreased plasma total GHS levels  compared to healthy children. Further research has shown that children with autism have a higher ratio of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) than the reduced GSH. This will lead to severe oxidative stress particularly in brain cells.

It is very important when dealing with any toxic patient to consider Candida and other pathogens which will exacerbate symptoms and make detox very difficult. In all my spectrum patients anti-fungals are always used however, you must start slow due to Candida die off. The cellular healing diet plays a critical role because of its ability to reduce cellular inflammation. With that said we find it to be the hardest battle a parent will face during their treatment.

On every spectrum patient we recommend omega fatty acids. This plays a critical role in healing the brain and the cell. At some point antioxidants as well as certain B vitamins must be added to down regulate the NO/ONOO cycle. This to will have to be done slowly because it can induce detox. We always work with our patients to make sure they go with the speed that their body allows. There will always be some increase in symptoms such as stimming, lack of focus, irritability, etc…

Looking at nutritional deficiencies is critical for the patient!


Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with Dr.Husmillo! Call:  (248) 885-8463