
Not getting enough sleep is one of the worst things that could happen to you. It makes you feel and act like someone you're not. It's tempting just to take a pill you've seen on TV and hope for the best. But these medications have serious side effects, can be addictive, and for many people the pills just don't work anymore.

Over half of people with insomnia also have Restless Legs Syndrome. Why? Because insomnia and restless legs are very often caused by a part of the brain that is over-firing.

Another huge cause of insomnia is unstable blood sugar. Spikes and valleys in your blood sugar and insulin will sabotage your best efforts to get sleep. You'll just wake up in the middle the night…and again…and again.

And guess what? The medications you see on TV won't help either of these causes. So what do you do if you don't want to risk the side effects? What do you do if the medication stops working?

Insomnia is a common medical complaint characterized by the inability to get a sufficient amount of sleep at night. This could be due to difficulty falling asleep or trouble staying asleep for an appropriate amount of time. Individuals with insomnia may also have fatigue or anxiety during the day due to lack of quality sleep during the night.

It is now understood that insomnia may be caused or influenced by chronic inflammatory issues, which affect sleep patterns by altering brain and hormone chemistries. The root causes of inflammation (infections, allergies, hypersensitivities, and/or intestinal permeability) should be evaluated in relation to sleep difficulties.

A New Scientific Approach to Insomnia

Many individuals with sleep difficulties are currently taking a variety of prescription medications to assist with sleep. Most of these medications work by altering brain signaling via neurotransmitter modulation. Assessment of neurotransmitters may be beneficial in selecting and monitoring treatment. NeuroScience, Inc. has neurotransmitter tests specifically designed to assess the biochemical imbalances that may be contributing to sleep difficulties.


  • trouble falling asleep
  • trouble staying asleep
  • waking feeling unrefreshed

To schedule an appointment for a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for this breakthrough procedure give us a call at 925-829-8484.

ONLY $89.00!!

Includes an exam, any necessary x-rays, report of findings, and 2 adjustments (Normally over $600.00)

Please call (925) 829-8484 to schedule your appointment!

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