What Is The Functional Medicine Approach

What Is A Functional Metabolic Approach?

A clinically proven method of analyzing your blood work for patterns of dysfunction. Specific nutritional treatment is determined from this analysis.That's right, treatment is tailored to your needs by using your blood

istock_000004302465xsmallwork (and other tests such as saliva, hair and stool). By interpreting your tests with special methods, it is possible to help even chronic conditions. Who wouldn't want more energy and vitality, better sleep, better sex, lowered cholesterol and so much more?

This work and the products we use are backed by the latest research.There are hundreds of scientific studies done every year that continually provide us with the knowledge to make the best choices for you.We want to get you better?faster.

This is the most comprehensive, scientific, and objective way to give your body what it needs with laser-like accuracy.Imagine knowing exactly what you need in order to sleep well, decrease pain and inflammation naturally, restore your energy and return to the things you love most.

Most blood work ordered today is limited to a very basic number of tests because of insurance restrictions. We go beyond these limitations by ordering comprehensive studies and matching those findings with your history, questionnaires and neurologic exam findings to determine the best course of treatment. Once you've been following the prescribed care for some time, follow-up tests are performed to demonstrate your progress.

Here's the other issue?

You can fall within the reference range of "Laboratory Normal" and still be unhealthy! We use functional ranges (not just the laboratory ranges) to understand if your health is moving in an unhealthy direction.

Functional vs. Pathological Lab Ranges

Every year labs update their "normal" ranges based onthe population they've tested. As the population gets less healthy, the lab ranges become larger. What was considered normal in the 1970?s was much different from what is considered normal now.

By looking beyond overt pathology and analyzing the delicate interplay of systems and measurements we can gain a deeper understanding of your health. It is then possible to use cutting-edge nutritional protocols to reverse the loss and restore vibrant health.

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting you better.By combining function nutrition with Brain-Based (Functional Neurology) Therapy we've helped hundreds of patients suffering from chronic conditions.

Our entire practice is dedicated to helping people that have not been able to get better elsewhere.People that were rejected by the "system" or unsatisfied with their options, and left to fend for themselves.Now you have options, there is hope!

If you are suffering from a chronic condition like:

  • Thyroid Problems
  • Insomnina
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Loss of Libido
  • Pre/Post Menopause Issues
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Liver/Gall Bladder Issues

or any other condition listed on this site; you may be a candidate for Functional Nutrition. Contact our office to set up a complimentary "Discovery Visit" ($250 value).We will discuss your health concerns, perform a free screening evaluation and determine if you qualify for this type of care.Call 925-829-8484 to reserve your appointment time. Be sure to fill out all paperwork from this site and bring in any current blood work results.


ONLY $89.00!!

Includes an exam, any necessary x-rays, report of findings, and 2 adjustments (Normally over $600.00)

Please call (925) 829-8484 to schedule your appointment!

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