
Travel Can Be a Pain In Your Back

Travel Can Be a Pain In Your Back

Traveling can be rough on the body. Whether you are traveling alone on businessor on your way to a sunny resort with your family, long hours in a caror an airplane can leave you stressed, tired, stiff and sore.

"Prolonged sitting can wreak havoc on your body," says Dr. Scott Bautch, immediate past president of the American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Occupational Health. "Even if you travel in the most comfortable carrier opt to fly first class, certain pressures and forces from awkward positions can result in restricted blood flow. One of the biggest insults to your system from prolonged sitting is the buildup of pressure in the blood vessels in your lower legs. Contracting and relaxing the muscles helps the blood flow properly."

Dr. Bautch and the ACA suggest the following tips and advice to fight the pains and strains of travel before they occur.

Warm Up, Cool Down

Treat travel as an athletic event. Warm up before settling into a car or plane, and cool down once you reach your destination. Take a brisk walk to stretch your hamstring and calf muscles.

In the Car

  • Adjustthe seat so you are as close to the steering wheel as comfortablypossible. Your knees should be slightly higher than your hips. Placefour fingers behind the back of your thigh closest to your knee. If youcannot easily slide your fingers in and out of that space, you need tore-adjust your seat.
  • Considera back support. Using a support behind your back may reduce the risk oflow-back strain, pain or injury. The widest part of the support shouldbe between the bottom of your rib cage and your waistline.
  • Exerciseyour legs while driving to reduce the risk of any swelling, fatigue ordiscomfort. Open your toes as wide as you can, and count to 10. Countto five while you tighten your calf muscles, then your thigh muscles,then your gluteal muscles. Roll your shoulders forward and back, makingsure to keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road.
  • Tominimize arm and hand tension while driving, hold the steering wheel atapproximately 3 o'clock and 7 o'clock, periodically switching to 10o'clock and 5 o'clock.
  • Donot grip the steering wheel. Instead, tighten and loosen your grip toimprove hand circulation and decrease muscle fatigue in the arms,wrists and hands.
  • Whilealways being careful to keep your eyes on the road, vary your focalpoint while driving to reduce the risk of eye fatigue and tensionheadaches.
  • Take rest breaks. Never underestimate the potential consequences of fatigue to yourself, your passengers and other drivers.

In an Airplane

  • Standup straight and feel the normal "S" curve of your spine. Then userolled-up pillows or blankets to maintain that curve when you sit inyour seat. Tuck a pillow behind your back and just above the beltlineand lay another pillow across the gap between your neck and theheadrest. If the seat is hollowed from wear, use folded blankets toraise your buttocks a little.
  • Checkall bags heavier than 5-10 percent of your body weight. Overheadlifting of any significant amount of weight should be avoided to reducethe risk of pain in the lower back or neck. While lifting your bags,stand right in front of the overhead compartment so the spine is notrotated. Do not lift your bags over your head, or turn or twist yourhead and neck in the process.
  • Whenstowing belongings under the seat, do not force the object with anawkward motion using your legs, feet or arms. This may cause musclestrain or spasms in the upper thighs and lower back muscles. Instead,sit in your seat first, and using your hands and feet, gently guideyour bags under the seat directly in front of you.
  • Whileseated, vary your position occasionally to improve circulation andavoid leg cramps. Massage legs and calves. Bring your legs in, and moveyour knees up and down. Prop your legs up on a book or a bag under yourseat.
  • Do not sit directly under the air controls. The draft can increase tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.

Safe Travel For Children

  • Always use a car seat in a car when traveling with children below the age of 4 and weighing less than 40 pounds.
  • Askthe airline for their policy on child car seat safety. Car seats forinfants and toddlers provide added resistance to turbulent skies, andare safer than the lap of a parent in the event of an unfortunateaccident.
  • Makesure the car seat is appropriate for the age and size of the child. Anewborn infant requires a different seat than a 3-year-old toddler.
  • Carseats for infants should always face the rear. In this position, theforces and impact of a crash will be spread more evenly along the backand shoulders, providing more protection for the neck.
  • Carseats should always be placed in the back seat of the car-ideally inthe center. This is especially important in cars equipped with airbags. If an air bag becomes deployed, the force could seriously injureor kill a child or infant placed in the front seat.
  • Makesure the car seat is properly secured to the seat of the vehicle and isplaced at a 45-degree angle to support the head of the infant or child.
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  • Dr.
    Joan Kim-Wagner
    Executive Director of Evergreen Wellness
    Dr. Joan Kim-Wagner, L.Ac, Ph.D is a third generation acupuncturist whose family instilled in her the dictate to, “Help others with love and holistic guidance.” Dr. Kim-Wagner earned her Masters of Science in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Dong-Guk University in Los Angeles. She earned her Ph.D. in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Yuin University in Southern California. She is a board certified acupuncturist in the state of California, where she has been in private practice since 2003 and is nationally certified through the NCCA. She continues to revolutionize the field of acupuncture and increase her own knowledge through ongoing study with numerous acupuncturist Masters from around the world.

Los AngelesTop-Rated Acupuncturist, Doctor Joan Kim Wagner PhD, LAc

5 Star Reviews of Evergreen Acupuncture & Wellness Center

  • "I originally went to Dr. Joan Kim-Wagner for chronic neck pain. I have to say I was quite skeptical, but also desperate to get relief and nothing else was working.She is extremely knowledgeable about the human body and has fixed every complaint I have brought to her attention. That was over a year ago. Since then less than a few weeks into being treated 3 times a week I had gone from chronic pain taking 3 medications to minimal or no pain and occasionally one medication. She has also been managing my blood pressure for which I was taking 3 different medications, now down to two. The idea is to get off of all meds completely. My weight and physical condition has improved tremendously. I only visit once a week now."
    Mike W. Los Angeles, CA
  • "Joan Wagner is a wonderful, experienced acupuncturist! She helps me with my Multiple Sclerosis- permanent disability. Thanks to Joan Wagner’s acupuncture, her loving, caring attitude, I don’t take MS steroids. It helps me to live a happy and healthy life."
    Sarah J. Los Angeles, CA
  • "I'm going to Dr.Kim for more energy and anti-aging. So far my experience has been very good.Very clean and beautiful office. Staff was very helpful. Not crazy about needles but, Dr.Kim made the process very easy."
  • "I've been coming to Evergreen for 3 years. I've had a few different chronic health conditions. Acupuncture and herbs have helped bring more balance to my body and boost my immune system. Last year I came down with a frozen shoulder. Acupuncture was a part of the healing process. It always felt better after a treatment. I've had hormone imbalance and cramps my entire life. No longer have to take pain medicine for cramps. Dr Kim is helping me through the change of life and I'm so very grateful. I am given herbs that help cool my body down so I don't have to deal with heat flashes. Thank you Evergreen for all your help!"
  • "The best acupuncture facility I've been in. The staff is very helpful and friendly. I like that Dr. Kim takes the time to explain the process before you go through with your treatment."
  • "I met Dr. Kim and her staff at the women's expo in LA. She's very nice and informative. The acupuncture has definitely helped my neck and shoulder pain. The staff here are so nice and they really listen to my needs which is a plus. They are flexible with scheduling and will always call me Back when I leave a message. In addition, they send reminder texts for my appointments which I find helpful. I also love working with Marjan who is very gentle and helpful when assisting me."
  • "I went to Joan's practice in Santa Barbara, she is normally in Santa Barbara once a week. I did the all over wellness check and Face Lift acupuncture. It was so relaxing that I fell asleep. When I woke up, I can see my lips corner totally got lift up. It was like someone had taped my chin back. She also offer weight loss treatments too. I would totally recommended this to all the brides especially!"
  • "I started going to Evergreen Acupuncture about 4 weeks ago. I had a really bad shoulder pain that ran through my Arm down to my fingers. Dr.Kim spent time and carefully diagnosed my symptoms and explained exactly what she was going to do to turn things around. The truth is that acupuncture is one of the steps toward turning on the healing process and with her advice on my diet and my daily routine, together we solved my shoulder pain and now I am feeling better.Her staff are amazing and very professional and super accommodating.They all work as a team to make you feel comfortable and welcomed each time they see you. I am looking forward to feeling even better as I continue to work with Evergreen Acupuncture."
  • "I started acupuncture treatments at Evergreen 2 weeks ago. The treatments helped me with my Depression & Anxiety symptoms. I can handle stress better at my job. My energy levels started to increase. My fatigue levels started to decrease. So far I’m satisfied with my treatments. Thank you Joan Kim-Wagner."
    Depression & Anxiety Patient, LOS ANGELES, CA
  • "Over the years I have visited Dr. Kim for my chronic stiff neck and shoulders. She was able to help me to move freely. I have also had the face lift acupuncture treatment which did wonders. While I was training for the LA marathon for some reason my ankle began to swell up. I hadn't fallen or out right injured it but it didn't look good. I visited Dr. Kim and immediately felt better. Dr. Kim has a calm bedside manner and has always made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I highly recommend her."