4 Natural Flu Treatments That Work!

Did you know that elderberry is nearly six times more effective at shortening the duration of the flu than the most popular antiviral drug (Tamiflu). Everyone knows that antibiotics are useless against flu and cold viruses, and Tamiflu only shortens the duration of flu .7 days and has side effects of headache, nausea and vomiting according to the British Medical Journal.

Did you know that there are natural treatments for flu which actually work? I do not know why the CDC does not recommend these but I do know that on their website they state they are not a government agency but a 501 C3 charitable organization that relies on donations from corporations. Substances that occur in nature can not be patented so there are not corporate profits to be earned from them. 

Here are some readily available treatments for the flu.
Ginger has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, along with anti-inflammatory properties. I recommend purchasing fresh ginger root and using it in a healthy smoothie. I do not know if the heat from cooking or making tea diminishes the medicinal qualities.  A study in the Journal Genomics and Informatics found that ginger inhibited the H1N1 virus. 

A study published in the Journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry found that a concentrated Elderberry juice stimulated the production of antibodies that attack the flu virus, and suppressed viral replication. Another study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found elderberry to suppress bacterial and viral growth. A Norwegian study published in the Journal of International Research found that elderberry shortened the duration of flu by 4 days on average. Compare that to the .7 (yes that is a decimal point in front of the 7) days of Tamiflu without the side effects.

A 2012 study published in the Journal Clinical Nutrition found that study participants eating garlic had fewer cases of flu and when they did get sick the symptoms were not as bad. A 2016 study in the Journal Nutrition found similar findings of garlic enhancing immune function.

Green tea:
A study in the Journal Genomics and Informatics found that green tea inhibited reproduction of the H1N1 flu virus. 

With the exception of elderberry which should be used in a concentrated form, the other three foods can be easily found in a supermarket.  While I have not seen any studies on when they are most effective, after 28 years of practice I have found using them within the first 1-2 days is best.  For information about how to prevent flu from even starting read my blog Six Ways To Prevent Flu by clicking here.  If you are having difficulty finding a good elderberry concentrate contact me at [email protected].

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