Five Days To Better Posture

Did you know that according to WebMD a constant slouch puts pressure on your lungs and organs making it more difficult to breathe and digest your food? A study from the University of Auckland found that when people with depression did a task with a more upright posture they felt more upbeat and less fatigue.

If there was a way for you to improve your health, increase your self-confidence, decrease the level of stress hormones in your blood stream, improve how others see you, and it would not cost you a cent would you be interested? That is what improving your posture can do for you. That is why I have created a five day course of posture improvement tips to work on every aspect of your posture through the day. The best part is that it is free, just click here to sign-up and receive your first of five emails.

Still not sure….here are a few more reasons to easily improve your posture in just FIVE DAYS!

• The journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that when people sat upright they had a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol.

• The journal Human physiology showed that the cobra posture resulted in a decrease in cortisol and an increase in testosterone.

• A study by researchers from Columbia and Harvard found that those in power positons felt more powerful and in control and were more willing to take a risk.

• Amy Cuddy in her TED Talk discusses how our body language or posture affects what others think of us. If you saw two people standing at a party and one had slumped shoulders with their head hanging forward, while the other upright you would probably talk to the person with better posture. What if those same two people were interviewing for the same job?

• According to the text Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine for every inch forward you hold your head you increase the pressure on your neck by ten pounds! According to the the average head weight 10-11 pounds. You can see how just spending time looking down at your phone increases the pressure on the spinal bones in your neck by 3-4 times.

• According to dowagers hump or the hump in the upper back in many cases is due to abnormal posture. They also stated that the best treatment is prevention.

The lessons are short and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. They are designed to provide bite-sized chunks of information that have the biggest effect on your posture, and it is all free, just click here to sign up and get started.

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