Before you go to a chiropractor in Grand Rapids Michigan read this first for key things you need to look for when visiting a chiropractic office for the first time.

1: Make sure they take x-rays. No static x-rays aren’t just enough in order to get to the cause of the problem you need to find a chiropractor that takes motion study x-rays. The reason why is life is moving, life is in motion, life is not static. In order to determine the cause of a specific problem motion study x-rays are a requirement.

2: The second thing that you need to determine if you need to find a chiropractor that gives you the option of some sort of corrective care program if they tell you to just come back whenever you feel like it or just come back when it hurts this leads to a situation where you don’t fix the problem. It leads to long-term generation frustration and lower quality of life so you need to visit a chiropractor that gives you the opportunity to actually get in and correct the problem for a long-term benefit, not short-term quick fixes.

3: You need to visit a chiropractor that’s a follow-up motion study x-ray so not only that you’ve gotten rid of pain and you achieved your health and wellness goals but you’ve corrected where the problem was, making sure that it’s fixed so that it doesn’t come back.

4: They need to do some type of progressive rehab with a focus on mobility mobilization and also stabilizing or strengthening exercises. The reason why is once the problem is corrected and once the problem was fixed they need to show you how to maintain this thing so that it doesn’t continue to return. This would be like going to a dentist that doesn’t talk about brushing and flossing! You need a chiropractor that teaches you how to structurally and functionally maintain your spine if you can find somebody that that does all of this then that is a great chiropractor and I would but it would be recommended to give them a try! Dr. Matthew Phinney yours in health care!

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