
Chiropractic Burnsville Families Low back pain.

Acute Low Back Pain, Treatment of Low Back Pain, Causes of Low Back Pain

Unfortunately, millions of people daily suffer from Acute or Chronic Low Back Pain.  This affects the quality of life is millions of Americans daily. How these conditions occur are very wide ranging things such as: scoliosis, poor mattress, poor pillow, auto accidents, whiplash, sports injuries and many other major traumas.  There are many microtraumas that cause this, poor posture, sitting at a desk 8 hours a day, or in front of a computer for 8 hours a day. 

Regardless of which mechanism caused the Low Back Pain, trauma or microtrauma, it consistently has an underlying cause that over time creates more damage causing more and more symptoms.  The unfortunate scenario is that most adults do not understand that if left untreated, or treated with nonprescription or prescription drugs the damage typically worsens over time. 

The Following are common causes:

  • Poor Mattress
  • Poor Chair at office station
  • Not stretching
  • Constipation
  • IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Hip Bursitis
  • Stress
  • Sports injuries

Just to name a few example.

Burnsville Chiropractic is a family Chiropractor office that help northern life families improve the quality of their health by looking at the cause of disease and symptoms. 

One of the most common areas of the body to be hurt while working, playing sports, cleaning out the garage or any other household or life chore is the lower back. The American Chiropractic Association has reported that 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. This represents a significant health concern, especially if many of the conditions contributing to low back pain go untreated. Chiropractor in Burnsville specializes in finding and fixing the cause getting amazing results.

The injuries can be as simple as a strained muscle or sprained ligament to the more complicated intervertebral disc injury. Regardless of the structures involved, most of us have had a personal experience with lower back pain, either from an injury while working or simply waking up with severe back pain.

Finding a doctor that can determine what exactly is wrong (creating an accurate diagnosis) and prescribing the right treatment is the most important aspect of getting well. In fact, one of the most dangerous phrases is "Maybe the pain will go away" and is often adopted by too many sufferers.

According to a 2008 study by Globe, Et. Al. on low back pain disorders reported "Most acute pain, typically the result of injury (micro- or macrotrauma), responds to a short course of conservative treatment (chiropractic care.) If effectively treated at this stage, patients often recover with full resolution of pain...Delayed or inadequate early clinical management may result in increased risk of chronicity and disability."

A 2005 study by DeVocht, Pickar, & Wilder concluded through objective electrodiagnostic studies (neurological testing) that 87% of chiropractic patients exhibited decreased muscle spasms.

The 2005 study validates the reasoning behind the later study that people with severe muscle spasms in the low back respond well to chiropractic care and prevent future problems and disabilities. It also dictates that care should not be delayed or ignored without risk of complications.

Chiropractic doctors locally in Burnsville are trained to determine the cause of the injury and have the experience to formulate an accurate and effective diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. The cornerstone of that plan is the Chiropractic Adjustment.
Chiropractic and lower back pain has been one of the most commonly researched topics to date. There is a large volume of research showing that the Chiropractic Adjustment is effective for treating lower back pain.
These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for patients with low back pain.


How Many Days of Bed Rest for Acute Low Back Pain?

Richard A. Deyo, M.D., M.P.H., Andrew K. Diehl, M.D., M.SC., and Marc Rosenthal, DR.P.H.

N Engl J Med 1986; 315:1064-1070October 23, 1986DOI: 10.1056/NEJM198610233151705



Bed rest is usually recommended for acute low back pain. Although the optimal duration of bed rest is uncertain, a given prescription may directly affect the number of days lost from work or other activities. In a randomized trial, we compared the consequences of recommending two days of bed rest (Group I) with those of recommending seven days (Group II).

The subjects were 203 walk-in patients with mechanical low back pain; 78 percent had acute pain (≤30 days), and none had marked neurologic deficits. Follow-up data were obtained at three weeks (93 percent) and three months (88 percent). Although compliance with the recommendation of bed rest was variable, patients randomly assigned to Group I missed 45 percent fewer days of work than those assigned to Group II (3.1 vs. 5.6 days, P = 0.01), and no differences were observed in other functional, physiologic, or perceived outcomes.

For many patients without neuromotor deficits, clinicians may be able to recommend two days of bed rest rather than longer periods, without any perceptible difference in clinical outcome. If widely applied, this policy might substantially reduce absenteeism from work and the resulting indirect costs of low back pain for both patients and employers. (N Engl J Med 1986; 315:1064–70.)

Acute low back pain is one of the most common reasons for consulting a primary care physician in the industrialized countries. The direct cost of medical care and the indirect costs to society of absenteeism from work due to backache are huge.1 Physicians commonly prescribe bed rest for acute low back pain, although only a few controlled trials have assessed its effectiveness.2 Among military recruits with acute low back pain, bed rest led to more rapid recovery than remaining on foot.3 In a family practice, patients presenting with acute low back pain did not benefit from either bed rest or isometric flexion exercises.4 Two days of bed rest produced as good clinical recovery as did seven days of rest and, moreover, was associated with fewer days lost from work.5 In patients with acute low back pain, back-extension exercises were superior to education about back care,6but a study comparing exercise therapy with placebo found no difference.7

The controversy persists over the relative merits of bed rest and exercise in the treatment of acute back pain. Many leading experts suggest two days or less of bed rest,8-10 whereas others advocate back-extension exercises.6,11 The present study was designed to compare bed rest with rapid mobilization in the management of acute backache. We conducted a randomized, controlled trial of the effectiveness and costs of two days of bed rest as compared with those of light back-mobilizing exercises in patients with acute low back pain. A third group of control patients was advised to avoid bed rest, not to engage in mobilizing exercises, and to continue normal activity to the extent that they were able to tolerate it.


Study Population

A total of 186 subjects were randomly assigned to the three treatment groups. Two days of bed rest was recommended for 67 patients, exercise for 52 patients, and normal activity as tolerated for 67 patients (the control group). Follow-up information was obtained three weeks later for 165 of these subjects (89 percent); 5 subjects were absent from the bed-rest group, 10 from the exercise group, and 6 from the control group. After 12 weeks, information was obtained on 162 subjects (87 percent); this time, 8 subjects were missing from the bed-rest group, 11 from the exercise group, and 5 from the control group. The base-line characteristics of the patients who did not return for follow-up did not differ markedly from the characteristics of those who returned.

Sixteen subjects were not included in the final study population of 186 patients because their base-line questionnaires were not obtained or were filled in too late or because the physicians' initial determination that they fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the study proved to be incorrect. The decision to withdraw these patients from the study was made without knowledge of their treatment assignments. Nine of the 16 would have been in the exercise group, 4 in the bed-rest group, and 3 in the control group.

When a corrective Chiropractic plan from Burnsville family chiropractor helps northern life families  and part of the best treatment plan of lower back pain & sciatica the results are 94% effective. 

INTERNET ONLY SPECIAL $67.00 consult, examination & x-ray! Includes Second day follow up and ADJUSTMENT.

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