
Adjusted during pregnancy with Chiropractic Spine Adjustments

Adjusted during pregnancy with Chiropractic Spine Adjustments

April 2020.


We've had a many new patients calling asking if we are the Burnsville Family Chiropractor who can treat and adjust pregnant mothers that are having low back pain and hip pain. I thought this would be a good blog topic.


Being a Chiropractor and father of a healthy young boy the boy’s births was awesome, no problems. My wife is an amazing partner, friend and mother who has an early childhood degree and has a teacher background we had a few issues at first. The medical model vs. chiropractic approach. Our children are now 8 years old and all very healthy. The issue we had was Andrea my wife had the worst morning sickness from day one when she was pregnant. She had symptoms of feeling sick all the time, bad headaches, low back pain and her hips were always sore. We are avid exercisers meaning we would exercise everyday if she felt she could.

We had questions.

Is it okay to keep exercising during her pregnancy?

Should she get Adjusted during pregnancy?

What to do with low back pain while being pregnant?

Can getting adjusted help her from feeling so sick all the time?

The answers are yes you can run if your able to, yes you can get adjusted and, yes getting adjusted can help with that bad morning sickness of feeling weak and sick all day.

While she was pregnant with our child her O.B. Doctor was focused on C-Section. We decided to try keeping her hips, sacrum and low back pain free and subluxation free as much as possible. Subluxation free means - Keeping all her joints, vertebrae in top notch biomechanically moving (Not stuck). We decided to start adjusting her until she was in her 3rd month esp. with her low back - just to be safe. As she gained weight and with the changing of her body, she started to have increased low back pain and hip pain daily. With some light easy muscle work (stretching) and light adjustments we had a perfect natural birth with no issues to the mother or child.

The answer to:  Can we at Burnsville Chiropractor Dr. O’Brien adjusts and treat pregnant women? I'd have to say I can sa0728931001583448753.jpgy yes with my own personal experience as a father of a little boy is, I can tell you how important it is to give yourself the chance to have less pain if it only takes some light adjustments.

Please call us at Discover Chiropractic at 952-2249501 for a consult anytime or if you have more questions.

Expectant mothers will develop lower back pain some time during their pregnancy. With the average weight gain of 25 to 30lbs, you will find your center of gravity shifting and causing additional stress on your lower back. Many women have found relief to their lower back pain and have had easier deliveries by receiving chiropractic care throughout their pregnancy. Scientific studies have found that spinal manipulation carries no increased risk to the mother or baby. Chiropractic care is also helpful after delivery as your body starts to tighten up those loose ligaments that developed during your pregnancy. It is important to make sure your joints are aligned before your muscles return to their pre-pregnancy state. Call your local chiropractor and when you’re looking for a chiropractor that adjust pregnant mothers, make sure they have children of their own!  Practice does make you good at what you do! Read Less

Posted by Dr O’Brien, Burnsville chiropractor

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