Patient Success Story

I’m 37 years old and have suffered from chronic anxiety my entire adult life. Six years ago I began seeing a psychiatrist and was prescribed Zoloft and Wellbutrin for management. While these medications did a decent job of curbing the anxiety, the side effects were miserable. I had tremors when I began the Wellbutrin, gained weight that I am still trying to lose, lost my libido and struggled with insomnia. I stopped taking both just shy of a year ago. 

This year has been a stressful one, to say the least, and has caused a significant spike in my anxiety overall. After suffering two panic attacks within a one week period, Dr. Kennedy recommended I try CopaCalm. It’s been two weeks since I started taking it and it brought my anxiety from a 10 to a 2, almost immediately. No panic attacks and not a single side effect. I could not be more grateful and will never go back to prescriptions.

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