Early intervention after an auto injury is key!

Early Chiropractic Treatment After An Auto Accident As you may have noticed, we have started using a lot more educational videos on our website. I have wanted to do this for years, and have done a lot of videos on my own. I think videos are one of the most effective educational tools available today. As the old adage says, One picture is worth a thousand words. Please watch the video Early Intervention after Auto Accident is Key. This video speaks to the importance of addressing injuries quickly. Even though it is about car accidents, it relevant to every type of soft tissue injury. Soft Tissue Injuries are any type of injury that involves muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and spinal discs. These type of injuries can be divided into two major categories: 1) Sprains and 2) Strains. Strains have to due with any kind of damage to muscles and tendons, and sprains related to joints and the connective tissue which connects them. With either type of soft tissue injury, it usually not the original injury that creates the most pain and dysfunction for the individual, it is the resulting scar tissue. Auto accidents are no exception. While in a high impact car accident the resulting injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, concussions, and internal injuries can be significant, and in the case of internal injuries and concussions can be life altering, usually, most of these injuries heal within a few weeks. Most car accidents, however, cause soft tissue injuries. The most significant long term effects of these is adhesion and scar tissue. With all soft tissue injuries early treatment is critical to minimize the development of scar tissue. I think of scar tissue like natures glue, our body produces it to help heal damage tissue. Unfortunately these glues can spread into joints, and attach to muscles ligaments and even nerves causing chronic pain, stiffness, and loss of function. While old scar tissue and adhesions can be treated with chiropractic care, massage, and physical therapy, it is always easiest and most effective. So watch the video, and see why it is so important to take care of these injuries early. Next blog I will explain how and why these adhesions cause so much pain.

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