Did you gain the Covid 20 (pounds that is) last year?

Ever hear the phrase ‘’junk in, junk out’’?  If we don’t feed our brain proper nutrients our brain sends all sorts of abnormal messages including those that effect our Neurotransmitters, those chemicals in our brain that effect how we feel.  The brains also sends messages to our pancreas which releases insulin which is one of the main regulators in Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease.

A May 2012 analysis of research from the journal Diabetes Care reports an association between Metabolic Syndrome and depression.  “Our results indicate a bidirectional association between depression and MetS. These results support early detection and management of depression among patients with MetS and vice versa.”  Metabolic syndrome is when we start to see multiple warning signs for impending Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes.  You can have Metabolic syndrome years before we you are diagnosed with Diabetes or Cardiovascular disease. 

Several studies dating back to the 1940’s have associated gluten sensitivity with anxiety and depression in certain individuals.  Highly processed food diets tend to have high amounts of gluten and sugars and low amounts of nutrients that the brain actually needs.  

What?  That’s just more depressing news.  The good news is that you have control over what you feed your body and your brain. There are several core nutrients that can have a significant beneficial impact on brain health. 

Phosphatidylcholine – Fatty acid that comes from eggs, beef liver, soy lecithin, nuts and marine fish.  

L- Theanine – Amino acid found in green and black tea and some mushrooms.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Essential fatty acid that comes from Cold Water fish such as Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Cod Liver.

N- Acetyl Cysteine – Cysteine is an amino acid that comes from chicken, turkey, yogurt, eggs and garlic.

Magnesium – Mineral found in greens, nuts, seeds, dry beans, whole grains, wheat germ, wheat and oat bran among other foods, but studies show that most Americans are low in Magnesium. 

Whether you’ve been working from home and have been monitoring your kids’ schoolwork or you’ve been going to work where daily interactions with customers and coworkers have taken on a significant change you’ve probably experienced a little anxiety and/or depression over the past year.  I know most of us never would have thought at this time last year how much our lives would have changed.   In this day of constant negative news and an ever adapting environment it is important for us to do what we can to support our brain health. After-all without proper brain function nothing else in our body works  correctly.  

Not sure where to start?  We offer nutritional consults to help you evaluate what lifestyle changes may have a significant impact on your health.

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