Back Pain Treatment Options

Back pain is genuinely unpleasant to experience. The pain lingers and can make day-to-day chores difficult. Let Primekinetx help you find the gear that allows you to go about everyday life with little to no discomfort. Our back pain treatment options permit you to participate in daily activities.

Managing lower back pain at home

Back pain is a common ache and pain that most people experience at some point in their lives. Most cases get treated at home without a doctor’s visit. In many instances, the individual can point to the activity that caused the pain.  For severe cases that cause numbness in your extremities, go to the emergency room. For other mild cases, use the following tips to manage the pain.

  • Use OTC pain relievers like NSAIDS or ibuprofen to manage pain and swelling. For more elevated cases that require a doctor visit, a prescription can include muscle relaxants or narcotic pain medication. Topical pain relievers and patches specifically for back pain are also options.
  • Using heat alternating with cold is another effective pain management technique for lower back pain. Alternate every 15 minutes to make sure you don’t damage the area with excessive heat or cold.
  • Regular stretching is good for the body regardless. But it is essential post-injury to make sure the area doesn’t get stiff.

There are many other tips out there for home self-care after an injury. These are a few of the more popular back pain treatment options.

What are some risk factors for lower back pain?

Back pain is a common injury that can happen to anyone. There are some groups of the population where back pain and injuries are more common than others. Back pain is a regular occurrence in the portion of the population that doesn’t exercise. Lack of exercise leads to a weak back and core muscles. This leads to more injuries when a person attempts to move items.

Smoking is another risk factor for back injuries. Smoking reduces blood flow to the area, which not only makes one susceptible to an injury; it makes healing from an injury more difficult. Smokers do not have enough blood flowing to the disks in their back.

Signs of lower back pain

Be on the lookout for the classic signs of lower back pain.

  • Muscle aches in the lower back area
  • Pain that radiates down your leg
  • Pain that gets worse when you stand, bend, or walk
  • Shooting or stabbing sensations in the lower back area
  • Pain that improves when you recline

If you experience these, you have a lower back injury. See if a doctor if pain worsens.

Outlook for recovery from back pain

Back injuries are quite common. If a person takes proper precautions during the healing process, their recovery prognosis is quite good. Most people make full recoveries from their minor back injuries. During the recovery period, a person must take caution not to aggravate their back any further and follow the strategies noted above.

Let the products at Primekinetx help you with back pain treatment options. Our revolutionary products will help you recover from your injury in no time.