Chronic Back Spasms

Back spasms are a painful and frustrating condition. Luckily, they are treatable with at-home remedies and products. Primekinetx has a multitude of products that can help you with the treatment and prevention of chronic back spasms. Visit our site today!

What is a back spasm?

A back spasm is an involuntary muscle contraction in the lower back area. The feeling of a spasm can be anywhere from moderate discomfort to severe pain that makes any activity difficult. The pain from the spasm can radiate to other muscles and other parts of the back, creating additional discomfort and tension in those areas.

These contractions do not last long when they occur. The average contraction lasts under a minute. However, multiple contractions can happen in a short time, making it feel like the contractions are continuous. Unless there is a deeper underlying issue, contractions should stop within a week or two, once the lower back injury heals. You can help your spasms by treating them with over the counter medications, stretching, and alternating applications of heat compresses and ice packs.

Causes of back spasms

Back spasms are linked to back injuries. The same underlying issues that cause back injuries cause back spasms. Let’s take a look at what those issues are.

  • Back strain
  • Arthritis
  • Poor posture
  • Nerve damage
  • Inflammation
  • Obesity

Spasms should resolve as the injuries resolve. If they do not, consult your doctor. This can be a sign of a more serious back injury that will require additional medical intervention. A doctor can prescribe medication such as muscle relaxers or order tests such as MRIs and CT scans. Certain conditions, such as arthritis, cause chronic back spasms.

Preventing back spasms

Back spasms can occur alongside a back injury. A common cause of back injuries is a weak back. To prevent future injuries and spasms, one should focus on strengthening their back and core muscles for increased support. Yoga is a terrific exercise for back strength and core stability. Crunches are not the best for building core strength. Even though crunches can make the muscles in that area stronger, there is a risk of neck and back injuries while performing the exercise.

If you sit down a great deal at your job, make time to walk around and stretch throughout the day. This will help your back. If you stand for lengthy periods, take periodic breaks to sit and stretch out your back. Both sitting for long periods and standing for excessive amounts of time are bad for your back.

Sleeping with back spasms

Back spasms don’t always stop when we sleep. There are ways to help the discomfort so you can get some sleep. For side sleepers, put a pillow in between your legs and curl your legs towards your chest. For back sleepers, put a pillow under your knees and a rolled towel under your back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach because of the strain it causes your back.

For daily help with your chronic back spasms, visit our website and see all the great products Primekinetx has that help with the day-to-day management of this common issue.