Innovative Moves & Body Solutions from PrimeKinetix

Innovative Moves & Body Solutions from PrimeKinetix

Healing from an injury or addressing pain in your body starts with innovative and natural solutions. PrimeKinetix offers massage tools to assist with physical therapy and the healing process. The chiropractor recommended self-massage tools offer relief from pain and support your body may need during rehabilitation.

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PostureMedic is the third generation of the PosturePerfector from PrimeKinetix and it focuses on addressing poor posture that may lead to back pain and other complications with your health. The innovative tool corrects imbalances in your muscles that lead to poor posture and lower back pain.

The way the tool works is simple: you use the tool for a 10-minute program each day. The program strengthens your muscles and balances the strength in your upper and lower body. As a result, you gradually improve your posture and address muscle discomfort that may contribute to lower back pain. You also wear the PostureMedic as a brace that gives you the ideal position to maintain your posture.

By addressing problems with your posture, you reduce the pain you may experience in your back and other areas of your body. It corrects the underlying problems and allows your body to start healing. It also works with scoliosis treatment to support your back and reduce the pain you experience from the curvature in your spine.


While the PostureMedic plays a key role in addressing pain in your back by improving your posture, you also want to address the discomfort when it impacts your ability to engage in normal activities. By using Pcore, you support your lower back and reduce pain in the area.

Pcore is a lower back and core belt that you wear throughout the day. The magnetic heat in the belt offers gentle relief from lower back pain while the durable and light-weight material of the belt supports the lower back. The extra support helps you maintain your posture and improves the strength of your core muscles. Over time, you will notice a reduction in the size of your waist and a gradual reduction of your back pain.

You can wear Pcore and PostureMedic at the same time for a positive impact on your posture as well as pain relief while you adjust your back for better posture. The comfortable and breathable mesh material allows you to wear the belt at any time.


PrimeKinetix recognizes that chiropractors offer treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. By using MyoBalls, you treat a variety of conditions and concerns. MyoBalls, or muscle balls, are a self-massaging tool that combines multiple points of pressure and compression to provide relief from pain or discomfort in your body.

Chiropractor recommended MyoBalls treat a variety of concerns or problems with your body. The innovative body solutions focus on releasing trigger points while also encouraging greater blood flow and circulation to the area. The massage tools are used to treat a variety of concerns, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Calf cramps
  • Elbow pain from tennis or golf elbow
  • Foot pain
  • Leg pain
  • Back pain

By using the self-massage tool, you reduce pain in your body and encourage natural healing. A chiropractor may use the massage tool as part of scoliosis treatment to release pressure in your back or may recommend the foam roller balls for tight muscles, injuries to your muscles or other concerns that may benefit from massage.

Using Innovative Moves and Exercises

The key reason Pcore, MyoBalls and PostureMedic help with healing is the gentle movements and exercises. PostureMedic provides a gentle set of movements and exercises that take a few minutes each day to correct your posture and improve your muscle strength. The bands stretch and offer resistance to strengthen your muscles when you follow the exercises. It also helps stretch out the muscles in your back and body for pain relief and greater flexibility. 

When you combine the gentle exercises, stretches and moves with Pcore, you support the lower back and reduce the risk of injuries. The belt offers support without reducing the impact of your exercises and stretches. The innovative design of the PrimeKinetix tools allow you to balance the strength of your body. Over time, you'll improve your posture, mobility and flexibility.

MyoBalls offer the final aspect of physical therapy by massaging the area and improving circulation. It reduces tension in your muscles and allows your body to heal. The massage tool also reduces foot pain, leg pain and elbow pain that may impact your lifestyle and activities.

Chiropractors use a variety of tools and treatment strategies during physical therapy and rehabilitation. By using innovative exercises and body solutions that focus on alleviating pain and improving your well-being, you have the opportunity to heal from injuries or physical discomforts. You can correct your poor posture, reduce pain throughout your body and start working on long-term goals for your health. For more details about the moves and body solutions from PrimeKinetix, call %CLIENT_PHONE% today.

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