Bringing the power of electric massage to the palm of your hand. PrimeKinetix is pleased to bring to you the latest of innovative therapy tools, the Power Palm. The Power Palm brings the technology of wireless electric muscle stimulation (EMS) and places it in the palm of your hand, literally.
Fueled by lithium ion battery, the power palm is packed with 4 different modes of therapy to treat and sore muscles and provide pain reliever, relaxation, and recovery.


Retail: $299.00


Choose from 4 modes of electric muscle stim theraphy

Mode 1: Relax 1-a soothing and relaxing therapy mode

Mode 2: Relax 2-a more aggressive relaxation therapy mode

Mode 3: Activate 1: Program is the exact frequency to stimulate the fast twitch fiber of the body. Excellent for developing and activating sluggish slow twitch fibers to bring back to full strength

Mode 4: Activate 2: This program is the exact frequency to stimulate the fast-twitch fibers of the body. Excellent for developing and activating sluggish slow-twitch fibers, to help the muscle return full strength.

The Power Palm is the next level of treating muscle pain, tightness, soreness, stiffness, and discomfort. Changing the game once again, PrimeKinetix remains at the cutting edge of innovation bringing the most innovative tools to our therapists, doctors, and healthcare professionals.