Back Pain

Oviedo Back Pain and Sciatica Relief
Through Chiropractic Care

If you are struggling with chronic neck or back pain, you are not alone. Nearly every American will suffer from chronic pain at some point in their lives, and one out of every three people are suffering from this pain right now. Chronic pain stops you from living an active life, or leaves you dependent on medication to function. Our chiropractor, Dr. Eric Janowitz, uses advanced chiropractic techniques that have helped free hundreds of Oviedo patients from chronic pain and posture problems - and he can help you, too!

Oviedo back pain and sciatica treated by chiropractor

Oviedo Chiropractic Care for Lower Back Pain,
Sciatica, and Posture Problems

Our approach to back pain is different from traditional medical care. We focus on the underlying cause for your pain. Back and neck pain are typically due to a misalignment in the spine. When the musculoskeletal system is out of alignment, pressure and irritation on the nerves can lead to chronic pain, fatigue and illness. Restoring alignment to the spine corrects this problem, providing long-lasting relief. Our natural, patient-proven treatments treat the source of your pain, so you can live an active life free from prescription painkillers.

Whiplash from a car accident, a slip and fall, improperly lifting a heavy object, or even poor posture can cause a herniated disc or soft tissue damage to the back. When a herniated disc occurs, it may cause a pinched nerve, which compresses the nearby bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons. Patients may also suffer from a herniated disc, which can cause a radiating pain in the legs, buttocks and back, a condition known as sciatica. While prescription medication can provide temporary relief, as long as the nerves are compressed, the pain will continue. Spinal decompression treatments can help correct the placement of the vertebra, restoring alignment to the spine and relieving pressure on the nerves.

Scoliosis Treatment from Oviedo Chiropractor

In addition to treating chronic back and neck pain, our chiropractor can also help patients struggling with scoliosis. A sideways curvature of the spine, known as scoliosis, may develop slowly over time, leading to uneven shoulders, an uneven waist, and uneven hips. This causes alignment problems throughout the body, and can cause secondary injuries and pain. When Oviedo chiropractor provides neck pain and scoliosis patientsone hip is higher than the other - even if it is just a slight difference - this can affect the muscles and joints, leading to chronic pain in the pelvis, hip and back. Chiropractic manipulation is a safe and effective treatment for restoring alignment and the correct curvature of the spine.

Unfortunately, back and neck pain do not "improve" on their own. Without proper treatment that corrects the underlying cause, you will continue to suffer pain. And don't believe the myth that backaches and other pain symptoms are a natural part of getting older. Our Oviedo wellness center believes that no one should suffer from pain at any age. Spinal manipulation through chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression are effective, conservative treatments that really work.

Whether you struggle with sciatica or posture related problems, Dr. Janowitz can help you stand tall, strong and pain-free again.

Make an appointment today, call us at 407-505-4320!

Common issues corrective chiropractic can assist with and questions on the process. 




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