Heal Foot Pain with Chiropractic Orthotics Care Today

Heal Foot Pain with Chiropractic Orthotics Care Today

orthotics care for foot pain in OviedoEver feel like you have the weight of the world resting on your shoulders? Turns out, it is really resting on your feet! From head to toe, our feet are largely responsible for keeping us moving. The everyday stress and impact our feet endure on a daily basis can often go overlooked and sometimes their job is underestimated until something goes wrong. Are you suffering from foot pain such as plantar fasciitis or fallen arches? If so, you may be surprised to learn that chiropractic could be an ideal treatment for your feet.

Why Chiropractic Orthotics Care Is an Ideal Choice for Foot Pain

Pain in the feet occurs from a myriad of causes such as plantar fasciitis, fallen arches, uneven lower limbs, knee and spinal misalignment. It can affect people who lead both active and sedentary lifestyles. Contrary to popular thinking, very few foot issues occur because of something directly wrong with the actual feet. Pain in the feet is generally the overall result of the integrated body experiencing misalignment. Because chiropractic is an ideal treatment for whole body health concerns, pain in the feet responds optimally to regular chiropractic care and the use of custom orthotics.

Known for their versatility in supporting high impact activity such as running and sports activities to everyday living, our chiropractor uses the ALINE line of insoles. Molded to support your foot as it heals with personalized cushioning features, orthotics offer both short and long term support for your feet. Our team of doctors will perform a comprehensive postural evaluation to distinguish the source of your pain before fitting you for your orthotics. Because pain in the feet can also occur along with hip, knee, back and neck pain, our chiropractors may suggest both the use of insoles as well as regular chiropractic adjustments to return the entire body to an optimal state of functioning.

Questions about your foot pain? Contact us today for a consultation.


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2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


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