
Our Oviedo Chiropractor Can Treat Fibromyalgia Naturally

Fibromyalgia syndrome, also known as FMS and fibro, is a chronic pain disorder. Pain relievers, anti-depressants, and anti-seizure drugs are some of the traditional treatment options for fibro. But the habit-forming drugs are not enough for lasting relief and unfortunately often fail to correct the underlying cause of the problem. This is where Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic can help relieve the pain. Our chiropractor in Oviedo, FL, can perform chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy along with cutting edge deep tissue class 4 laser to alleviate the pain and other symptoms related to FMS.


What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibro causes widespread musculoskeletal pain that seems to start from 18 tender spots or trigger points in the body. The points are located in areas such as the back, arm, chest, buttock, knee, and behind the neck. However, most traditional doctors have difficulty diagnosing and treating the condition because patients tend to feel pain in various parts of the body.

Fibro Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of the condition is unknown. However, scientists suspect that brain changes make the body more sensitive to pain. These changes can come from surgery, physical trauma, infection, or chronic mental stress. Chronic inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, family history, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression may increase the risk of the disorder.  In our experience, we have seen that chronic misalignment of the spine and the subsequent poor posture that it creates can put pressure on many of the delicate pain sensitive nerves in these areas.  Since there is multiple areas of stress to the nerves, this can cause the multiple aches and pains throughout key areas of the body and thus the presentation of fibromyalgia.  

Common Fibro Symptoms

In addition to widespread pain, FMS may trigger tension headaches, tenderness, or stiffness of the muscles, tendons, and joints. Other symptoms include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Extreme tiredness or fatigue
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Jaw pain or clicking (TMJ)
  • Problems with mood or memory ("fibro fog")
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet

How Our Chiropractor in Oviedo will Evaluate and Treat You

Doctors use the 18 tender points criteria to diagnose the disorder. Our chiropractic physician will apply gentle pressure to check which ones feel tender or trigger pain. We may also examine the body or spine with an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms.

We notice that patients get tremendous relief from spinal adjustment, our physical therapy, but also from our deep tissues laser.  Laser is an innovative approach to reduce pain, decrease swelling, and energize and heal the damaged tissue in the areas that the fibromyalgia is affecting.  Click here to learn more about our deep tissue laser. This is a non-invasive technique our chiropractor uses to realign the spine and take pressure off the nerves and soft tissue.

Adjustments also help to correct musculoskeletal imbalances known to trigger headaches and neck, back, and leg pain. Relieving the nerves helps improves numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Our chiropractor may recommend massage therapy, physical therapy, deep tissue laser, and corrective exercises as part of our integrative pain management approach. These soft tissue therapies relieve stiffness, reduce inflammation, and help you to relax, sleep, and function better. 

Manage Fibro Pain the Natural Way!

Fibromyalgia can reduce function, mobility, and overall quality of life, but you don't have to let it. You can start chiropractic care at Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic and experience the relief you deserve. Call 407-359-2757 to make an appointment at our Oviedo, FL, clinic today.

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2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


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