

Natural Relief from Headaches at Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic

A headache might not sound like a debilitating condition -- but recurring, constant, or severe headache pain can slam the brakes on your everyday life in a hurry. Tension headaches and their nastier cousins, migraine headaches, affect a sizable chunk of the population, making headache disorders a leading cause of missed workdays around the world.

If you're not ready to surrender your quality of life to these agonizing issues, you'll be glad to know that Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic can address the underlying cause of your pain to produce drug-free relief.

Why Your Head Hurts

The most common type of headache, the tension headache, is well named. This problem stems from muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, which pulls on highly sensitive membranes at the base of the skull to create headache pain. This muscular tension may be related to emotional stress, strain from sports or work activities, or a longstanding cervical misalignment that causes the skull to sit unevenly on the spine.

Migraines are somewhat less clear in their origins, although it is believed that chemical imbalances cause abnormal nerve signals that increase cranial blood pressure. These terrible headaches are often accompanied by nausea, tinnitus, vision abnormalities, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Anything from hormonal changes and physical stress to specific foods can set off a migraine.

Drug-Free Pain Relief from Our Oviedo FL Chiropractor

Drugs may offer some temporary relief from your headache symptoms, but they can't do anything about the reasons for your headaches. To address the root cause of your pain, come to Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic. Our Oviedo FL chiropractor can evaluate your upper cervical alignment and make small but critical adjustments, bringing a faulty head angle back into line and taking unnecessary stress off of surrounding muscles.

Chiropractic adjustments are also good for migraines. Research studies have shown that this form of treatment can reduce migraine symptoms while also making migraine attacks less frequent. Since corrective adjustments improve nerve function, our methods may help normalize the various physical functions that play a role in migraine development. In fact, the same easing of physical strain that relieves tension headaches can also remove a potential migraine trigger from your life.

Let Us Help You Feel Better Fast

Headaches and migraines can be bad news for your quality of life, but you can get some good news in the form of all-natural relief at Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic. Call our Oviedo FL office at 704-505-4320 today to schedule a consultation and treatment.

We want to help you put that head pain aside so you can get back to enjoying your life!

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