Orthotics Foot Pain Relief

We provide a unique combination of Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, custom
orthotics, and Cold Laser to help with Ankle Pain
Don't let the first step of the day be painful anymore and enjoy running

Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic Orthotics Offer Relief from Foot Pain

Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic Orthotics offer effective and long lasting foot pain relief. The feet have a difficult job -- they must support your full weight evenly and consistently as you walk, stand, run or jump, and any tiny imbalances in the forces exerted on its many bones, muscles, nerves and ligaments can Oviedo foot pain patients benefit from orthoticsresult in acute or chronic pain or injury. If you have been suffering from foot pain, knee pain or hip pain, you may need a custom-fit pair of orthotics to correct those imbalances. If you are looking for an Oviedo orthotics solution, however, you may want to consider a chiropractor, not a podiatrist. At Oviedo Family Chiropractic, we not only make your feet feel better, but we can also make sure your entire body benefits.

Foot pain occurs for a variety of reasons. You may have fallen arches, feet that "roll" inward or outward, one leg slightly shorter than the other, or a spinal misalignment that transfers your weight incorrectly. Structural stress on the feet can result in conditions such as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis afflicts a band of tissue called plantar fascia that runs all the way down the sole of your foot. Strain can cause this band of tissue to become inflamed and painful, as many runners and joggers can attest. Poor weight distribution can also encourage sore spots on specific points on the heels or balls of the feet. The foot muscles must then overcompensate to keep you upright and may press on the nerves to create a painful condition called metatarsalgia.

Foot problems do not stop with foot pain. The body is one integrated machine, and your skeleton distributes forces throughout its structure. Just as a misaligned spinal column can throw you weight off and cause foot pain, so can problems in foot structure create stresses in your legs and back. The results can include hip pain, knee pain and backaches and a greater vulnerability to injuries.

When Foot Pain Calls for a Chiropractor

This "feedback loop" between the feet and the rest of the body is why you need a chiropractor to help you determine which orthotics are best for you. Orthotics include insoles Knee pain and hip pain relieved by chiropractic care and orthoticsand other cushioning shoe inserts that correct your posture from the feet up. Here at Synergy Oviedo Chiropractic we are proud to offer the ALINE line of orthotic insoles for a variety of specialized needs, from cycling and snowboarding to everyday living. We utilize ALINE insoles for our patients because they were designed based on significant research and the input of both an orthopedic doctor and a chiropractor. These insoles are worn by by famous athletes and weekend warriors to meet incredible athletic goals. We can perform a detailed evaluation of your posture and gait to see exactly where the misalignment occurs, allowing us to recommend the proper orthotic insole for your needs.

If your problem has contributed to a spinal misalignment, we can also perform adjustments to realign your vertebrae and correct your weight distribution. Either way, we can help relieve foot pain and other discomforts so you can enjoy getting around Oviedo again. If you would like to know more about our orthotic footwear products and services, contact our office today at 407-505-4320.

Our Regular Schedule

Office Hours


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm





Adjustment Hours


7:00 am - 10:30 am

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


By Appointment


7:00 am - 10:30 am

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


By Appointment

2:30 pm - 6:00 pm


7:00 am - 10:30 am

By Appointment







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