
131 East Huntington Drive

Arcadia, CA 91006 US

(626) 445-0326

What are PRP Injections Used for?

What are PRP Injections Used for?

At SMART Spine Institute and Surgery Center, our chiropractor and orthopedic surgeon near Arcadia offer PRP or platelet-rich plasma injections. Learn when we might recommend PRP injections and how they work as part of ortho care. 

PRP Injections in Arcadia, CA.PRP injections at S.M.A.R.T. Spine Institute and Surgery Center in Arcadia.

What are PRP Injections? 

Platelets are part of your blood valued for its clotting ability and growth proteins. Platelet-rich plasma is a plasma liquid that has more platelets than typically found in blood -- by a factor of five to ten. This growth-promoting solution can then be used on the injured tissue to promote recovery and regrowth. Famous athletes including Tiger Woods have relied on platelet-rich plasma injections for recovery. 

In injections, the blood is withdrawn and then put through a centrifuge to separate out the plasma. The enriched plasma is then put back into the body through an injection.

Who Should Receive PRP Injections From an Orthopedic Surgeon Near Arcadia?

This treatment works well for: 

  • Sports injuries
  • Muscle tears
  • Repetitive strain injuries
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic conditions
  • Accidents
  • Surgical recovery 
  • Bone breaks or fractures

If you are suffering from any of these conditions, we may recommend PRP injections as part of your therapy. PRP injections are proven to work especially well with overuse sports injuries, from Achilles tendonitis to tennis elbow. 

Researchers are still testing PRP injections on other injuries, such as arthritis.

What to Expect With PRP Injections from Our Orthopedic Surgeons in Arcadia

We'll greet you and answer any questions about what to expect with PRP injections. As part of treatment, we'll discuss where we'll draw the blood from and where we'll inject it, so you know what to expect. Before we move forward with the procedure, we'll take the time to ensure that you are comfortable with what's going to happen.  Our Orthopedic Surgeons and Pain Management Physicians in Arcadia have significant experience with this form of care, so you are in good hands. 

After we prepare the PRP solution, we'll inject it into the tissue around the injured area. We are careful when working with injured tissue to not re-aggravate it. When we send you home, things may feel more sensitive at first. After the initial pain subsides, the platelets will begin to do their work and your symptoms will subside. 

Contact Us to Make an Ortho or Pain Management Appointment in Arcadia Today!

The integrated medical team at SMART Spine Institute and Surgery Center welcomes new patients for Pain Management, Chiropractic care, and Ortho appointments. Enjoy a free consultation to learn more about us and how we can help. Contact us at 626-445-0326 or schedule online to make your consultation appointment. 


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