
131 East Huntington Drive

Arcadia, CA 91006 US

(626) 445-0326

An Overview of PRP Injections

PRP Injections From Our Arcadia, CA Medical Doctors

We're a team of chiropractors, medical doctors, and therapist who give patients the ability to get all the care they need to treat a particular condition in one place. That's why in addition to standard chiropractic care we're able to go beyond and offer patients specialized treatments. For instance, at the S.M.A.R.T. Spine Institute and Surgery Center, we provide patients with the option of PRP injections. 

prp injection

Overview of PRP Injections

PRP stands for platelet rich plasma (PRP). The injection consists of plasma, which is the liquid portion of the blood. The platelets are tiny solids that are vital in the process of blood clotting. Additionally, these platelets have hundreds of proteins in them. These proteins are known as growth factors, which play a role in the healing process. This particular injection consists of a higher concentration of platelets when compared to standard blood. In fact, one injection may consist of five to 10 times the amount of platelets in the normal blood. Ultimately, this means the healing process is enhanced, because the injection cons the body into thinking it was injured, so the body reacts and puts the regeneration process into overdrive. 

Prepping the PRP Injection

To create the injection, a nurse or practitioner must draw blood from the patient. The blood is sent to the lab where it's spun in a centrifuge, and the platelets are separated from other blood cells. The extracted platelets are mixed with the remaining blood to create the injection. 

What to Expect When Receiving the Injection

After blood is drawn and the solution is created, the blood must be reinjected into the patient. An anesthetic is applied to the area prior to administering the PRP injection. The practitioner will then inject the platelet rich plasma into the affected area. The injection is guided with an ultrasound machine and is mostly injected into inflamed or arthritic joints,  tendon tears or tendonitis, not muscles. We usually recommend cool laser therapy as a follow-up treatment to enhance the collagen production from the platelets.We can do the procedure in office awake or under sedation for more sensitive areas. Generally, the entire process of one injection takes 30 minutes. You may require another injection after the initial one takes effect. 

What to Expect After a PRP Injection

After the anesthetic wears off, the injection site may throb or ache for 24 hours or longer. In some cases, this lasts for up to a week. Oftentimes, the injection site will feel stiff or full. The injection site may swell a bit as well. This occurs because the platelet serum is forming, and it's taking up space inside of the tissue. Around the site may feel tender or ache. You may use acetaminophen, Celebrex or another pain reliever recommended or prescribed by one of our practitioners. You may not use ibuprofen or any other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

You won't see results immediately after the injection. It takes four to six weeks to start seeing results for most patients. We ask that our patients follow up with us after four weeks to see the results and ensure there aren't any complications from the injection. We also ask that our patients contact us if they experience anything out of the ordinary. 

Resuming Daily Activities After a PRP Injection

We will provide you with guidelines on what you can and can't do after receiving a PRP injection. For instance, up until the second week, you won't be able to exercise the extremity where you received the injection, although you will be able to resume usual daily activities during this time. You should start light exercises after the second week, and you should be able to resume your normal exercise routine after week four. You shouldn't lift anything heavy or participate in high-intensity exercises during this time, though. 

Get S.M.A.R.T about your health and Call Us Today1

Make an appointment with us and let us care for your well-being by scheduling a free consultation for PRP injections at S.M.A.R.T. Spine Institute and Surgery Center today by calling 626-513-0840.


Office Hours


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

