
131 East Huntington Drive

Arcadia, CA 91006 US

(626) 445-0326

How Stem Cell Injections Help with Joint Pain

Natural Osteoarthritis Relief from Stem Cell Injections In Los Angeles

If osteoarthritis is beginning to create significant pain and stiffness that limits your ability to work, play or simply get through daily activities, you may be looking at all your treatment options, including strong prescription painkillers and even joint replacement surgery. But a relatively new medical technique could make it possible for you to enjoy natural, drug-free, non-surgical relief from the joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. Stem cell injections can help your damaged cartilage restore itself so you can move freely and easily once again.Elderly couple in Los Angeles experiencing osteoarthritis

As you may know, osteoarthritis occurs when the layer of cartilage that normally cushions the joint's bone-ends begins to wear out. The resulting damage results in pain, inflammation and loss of flexibility in the joint. Stem cells have a unique ability to help these damaged tissues heal because they are essentially blank templates -- undifferentiated cells that can potentially become any particular type of cell, including cartilage cells. Your body contains plenty of these cells, which are just waiting to be put to constructive purpose for your health and wellness.

Stem cell injections are a great example of your body using its own materials to heal itself. They can be extracted either from bone marrow or from blood products such as platelet-rich plasma (which we are well equipped to extract, since PRP therapy is one of our specialties). Once we have isolated the stem cells from the sample, we inject them directly into the afflicted joint. By placing them in close proximity to your own cartilage cells, the stem cells are triggered to transform themselves into new cartilage cells as well, thus replenishing and rejuvenating the joint's critical cushioning to relieve your osteoarthritis pain and stiffness.

The injection site may be sore immediately after treatment, so depending on which joint you're having treated, it might be a good idea to arrange for someone else drive you home. It may take a few months for you to receive the full benefit of the treatment, but you should start feeling noticeably better within a matter of weeks.

Can Our Los Angeles Chiropractors Stem Cell Injections Help You?

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for stem cell injections. First and foremost, we must examine your knee thoroughly to make sure your symptoms are actually the result of cartilage degeneration (and not some other condition that might respond better to another treatment method). Certain pre-existing, current or recent medical conditions may also guide us to recommend another course of action. But if you are in generally good health apart from mild-to-moderate joint degeneration, there's a very good chance that stem cell injections are just what the doctor ordered. Call our Los Angeles S.M.A.R.T. Spine Institute and Surgery Center at 626-445-0326 to schedule a consultation and evaluation.

How has osteoarthritis affected your life? Tell us!


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