Dr. Harcourt’s thoughts on the new migraine drug, Aimovig (Erenumab).

As many of you have seen, the new drug Erenumab has been approved for migraine use. A study out of the New England Journal of Medicine sums up the outcome of 2 different doses of the drug. I have outlined the data below:

Here's the summary - This may be a better mousetrap. What I mean is that there was a reduction in migraine days with both dosages, but only eliminated migraines in a few patients. Currently the preventatives that exist can achieve similar results, but have many side effects. That is to say that this is a step in the right direction for pharmacology and migraine.

This new drug appears to have very few side effects, which is great, but addresses the end result of migraine, and not the underlying altered brain state that ultimately leads to migraine. With the $6,000-9,000 price tag, this is a better option (or looks that way) than current preventatives, but is not a comprehensive migraine management solution. - Dr. Adam Harcourt
For less than the cost of 1 year’s supply of this drug, you CAN address and correct the root cause of migraines with our Migraine Program! Comment below or DM us to ask how to get started. We’d be honored to help.