Dizziness & Vertigo Elimination!

Dizziness & Vertigo
"No One Seems to Be Able to Figure Out Why I'm Dizzy"
Dizziness and vertigo can be both scary and frustrating to deal with. Many people seek emergency medical attention only to find out that "nothing is wrong" with them. 

In Fact, Finding Out That Nothing is Wrong is Great News!
It means that the cause is not anything life-threatening. The cause is therefore functional and must be addressed accordingly. 
Dizziness and vertigo symptoms appear when there is dysfunction in the system that tells your brain where your body is in space. One system, the vestibular system, tells you where your head is in space through a series of canals that are stimulated when you turn your head in any direction.
Sometimes, you can get little crystals in these canals that artificially stimulate the sensors in the canals and give you a feeling of spinning. When this happens, your brain changes to deal with all of the extra input and can cause long-term problems with balance and dizziness. 
A Functional Neurologist Can Help!
A Functional Neurologist will be able
to identify which system is causing your dizziness and what treatment will be most appropriate for correcting it. The longer your body has to compensate for imbalances, the harder it is to rehabilitate, so the sooner you seek treatment after you start experiencing any type of dizziness, the higher the probability that it can be corrected!
"I have seen all kinds of doctors on-and-off over the years, but Dr Adam Harcourt is the best of the best. I have issues that no other chiropractor or medical doctor could help me with. My dizziness is so much better and my balance is back! I started seeing Dr Adam while he was in the Bay Area. Now I drive all the way to Santa Barbara just to see him. The 6-hour drive one-way is well worth it. He is kind and caring and has seen me on some of the worst days of my life. THANK YOU Dr Adam!"
 - Karen H. / San Mateo, CA
If you know someone with Dizziness and/or Vertigo, forward this email to them! They could be dizzy free within days!