No More Vertigo! Treatments and Solutions

The Illusion of Movement.
People with Vertigo typically describe it as feeling like they are:
    • Spinning 9843a39d-2d85-4f92-a227-663840760bc6.jpg
    • Tilting
    • Swaying
    • Unbalanced
    • Pulled to one direction
Other symptoms include: 
Symptoms can last a few minutes to a few hours or more and may come and go.

Vertigo can usually be resolved quickly at Imagine X.
Traditional western medicine looks for pathological causes for vertigo, such as a stroke, aneurism, infection or tumor. If none of those things are present, the usual treatment is to suppress the vestibular system, using medication. This does not address the cause or relieve the vertigo!
Because of Dr Adam's specialized training in Functional Neurology, he is able to evaluate the cause of your vertigo and choose an appropriate treatment for that particular cause. 
Vertigo can be usually be resolved in as few as 1-2 treatments!

Know someone with Vertigo?
Refer them to Imagine X
Vertigo can be very debilitating and can stop people from doing the things they enjoy.  If you have a friend with vertigo, recommend them to Imagine X Functional Neurology. You will both be glad you did.


"My vertigo was totally gone after just 2 visits! I am amazed. My primary care doctor couldn't figure it out for over a month, I was miserable! I tried several different medications with no luck. Thank you Dr Adam! I finally have my life back."  -J.C.

Imagine X Functional Neurology

1221 State St, Suite 11

Santa Barbara, CA 93101
