How To Be Migraine-Free In 30 Days, Part 1

How to Be Migraine-Free in 30 Days Part 1

The Secret to Permanent Migraine Relief!

Learn how to end your headache and migraine pain once and for all - SAFELY.


The TRUTH about headache and migraine pain.

Who is affected my migraines.

What to do right now if you suffer from ANY headache pain whatsoever.

By going to some doctors, you could make your spasm worse.

What exactly a migraine is.

What you absolutely MUST know about using drugs and pain killers for pain relief.

The most successful treatment for headache pain doesn’t involve any drugs at all!

And much more!

What is a Migraine?

A migraine is an extraordinarily common disease that affects 36 million men, women and children in the United States.

The headaches come in attacks, occurring anywhere from once a month to several times per week.

They last anywhere from 4 to 24 hours.They are throbbing and often located on one side of the head.

They are accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite.

The headaches are preceded by an aura, which is a change in vision (or other sensation) that lasts anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.

They are made worse by physical activity, bright lights or loud noises.

Migraine is a public health issue with serious social and economic repercussions.

  • American employers lose more than $13 billion each year as a result of 113 million lost work days due to migraine.

  • Chronic illness – a category into which migraine can fall - is one of the country's biggest healthcare challenges, and costs an estimated $50 billion per year.

  • People with migraine use about twice the medical resources – including prescription medications and office and emergency room visits– as non- sufferers.

    Migraine remains a poorly understood disease that is frequently undiagnosed and under-treated.

  • Nearly half of all migraine sufferers are never diagnosed.

  • The majority of migraine sufferers do not seek medical care for their pain.

  • Only 4% of migraine sufferers who seek medical care consult headache and pain specialists.

    Children also suffer from migraine.

  • About 10% of school-age children suffer from migraine.

  • Half of all migraine sufferers have their first attack before the age of 12. Migraine has even been reported in children as young as 18 months old.

  • Children who suffer are absent from school twice as often as children without migraine.

  • Before puberty, boys suffer from migraine more often than girls

Migraine disproportionately affects women, with approximately 27 million female sufferers in the United States.

• Three times as many women as men suffer from migraine in adulthood.

• About half of affected women have more than one attack each month, and a quarter experience 4 or more severe attacks per month.

• In childhood, boys are affected more than girls, but after adolescence, when estrogen influence begins in young girls, the risk of migraine and its severity rises in females.

• More severe and more frequent attacks often result from fluctuations in estrogen levels.

Most doctors prescribe over- the-counter medications to hide your pain - since they DON’T have the training or expertise to permanently correct the problem.

This report exposes the truth about headache and migraine pain. It reveals the facts about the dangers you face with drugs.

However, despite all this, your pain CAN be relieved - perhaps FOREVER.

Read This Special Report To Learn About Drug Free Methods Of Ending Your Misery That Even Your Own Doctor May Not Know About!

What do you do when you suffer from a migraine? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? If you’re reading this report, you want relief and you want it now!

The majority of people that get migraines take a prescription medication. However, even though the pain has temporarily subsided, you have done absolutely nothing to address the cause that created the pain in the first place.

You may also be shocked to discover what these seemingly “harmless” little pills are doing to your overall health - both the short and long-term effects.

Maybe you’ve taken prescription medication or have consulted a pain specialist. You’ve gotten some relief, but it never seems to last. You don’t know what else to try, and at this point, the only answer seems to be drugs.

You want to do something about it. You know that taking pain-killers is not the answer, but what else is there? Are there really effective options for real migraine relief?

Most Doctors Lack the Training & Experience To Effectively Eliminate Your Headache Pain!

Most medical treatments for getting rid of headache pain only focus on getting rid of symptoms. For instance, medications may deaden your nerves for a short time, but the pain returns when the drugs wear off. And theses painkillers often have potentially dangerous side effects.

Some therapies can help tremendously, but more often than not prove ineffective because they stem from misdiagnosis.

Because no “one thing” fixes a migraine, every single person could not go to one doctor to get rid of their migraines permanently.

Understand The Cause, And You’ll Understand The Cure

This is the Part You’ve Been Waiting To Learn!

Usually there are only 4 main causes for migraines; Dietary, musculoskeletal, hormonal and neurological. The cause of most migraines is neurological, which is why nothing else has helped! However, there are many triggers. To treat migraines effectively, you need to address all 4 causes. With a combination of therapies and treatments specific to your body, you can be out of pain very quickly.

A Functional Neurologist is the only type of doctor who is trained in all 4 areas related to a migraine. Therefore, a Functional Neurologist will usually have a very high success rate in eliminating migraines. No matter what the cause of your migraines, a Functional Neurologist will be able to diagnose, treat, and, in most cases, eliminate them completely.

There is an area of the brain stem that controls the blood vessels in your head, as well as your heart rate and blood pressure. When you have any triggers (dehydration, lack of sleep, alcohol, caffeine, etc), this area stops working properly. Therefore, you have a disfunction that leads to changes in the blood vessels in your head, which is what causes the pain associated with migraine.

The way to achieve permanent relief is to reduce or eliminate the neurological imbalance or dysfunction in your brain.

Does Your Doctor Have The Training & Experience Necessary to Effectively Treat Your Migraine Pain? Most Doctors Don’t!

Most people experiencing migraine pain seek help from their family physician. Typically, the examination lasts a mere 5 minutes, at which time the doctor confirms you have a migraine and then recommends rest and an over-the- counter medication. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe a stronger prescription medication.

These common medical treatments focus only on relieving your symptoms. They do absolutely nothing about correcting the underlying problem.

The problem with medications is they’re basically “quick fixes” that are short- lived and leave you open to potentially dangerous side effects, many of which are just now coming into focus due to new research being released. More on this in Part 2 of this report.

Other treatments like physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and even chiropractic are often ineffective, again, because they stem from a misdiagnosis or do not address all 3 causes.

Find The Right Doctor!

If you are ready to get rid of your migraine once and for all, you can! Currently, the only type of doctor who is examining and taking into account all 4 causes for migraines is called a Functional Neurologist.

A Functional Neurologist is a doctor (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, or Doctor of Chiropractic), then has spent an additional 3-4 years post-doctorate specializing in neurology. A Functional Neurologist will go this route (as opposed to becoming an MD) so that he or she can treat patients without the use of drugs or surgery.

A Functional Neurologist examines and treats patients from a holistic perspective, meaning that he or she will only use natural resources for healing. With Functional Neurology, all 4 causes for your migraine will be addressed. Find a Functional Neurologist near you by going to and use the doctor locator.

If you are in the Santa Barbara area, Dr Adam Harcourt is the exclusive Functional Neurologist. Dr Adam has had a 100% success rate in totally eliminating migraines in patients who have completed his program, without drugs or surgery. The vast majority of his patients have reported all migraine symptoms gone within just 30 days! 

Find out if you are a candidate for an appointment with Dr Adam by completing this questionnaire: FC22QHP