Drugs that Gobble Up Vitamins Part II

We looked at some common prescription medication and the possible affect on nutrients in our last blog. Contrary to what mainstream medicine would have you believe, there are natural alternatives to help with many health issues. These alternatives are found in nature and are without toxic side effects found in so many pharm drugs. Here are a few more common drugs and the possible Nutrient Deficiency.

Anti-Inflammatories                                                                   Nutrient Deficiency
(NSAIDS, Advil, Aleve, Motrin and others)                                Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Iron, Potassium

(STEROIDS: Cortisone, Prednisone, Medrol and others)         Vit. C, Vit D, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium

(Acetamenophine)                                                                       Folic Acid, Vit C, Iron Potassium

Anti-hypertensives (Blood Pressure Meds)
(Hydralazine, Betablockers, Clonidine)                                     Coenzyme Q10, Magnesium, Vit B6,

Cholesterol - Lowering Drugs
(Lipitor, Mevaor, Zocor, Baycol, and more)                                Coenzyme Q10, Vit A. Vit B12, Vit D, Vit E, Vit K, Folic Acid,                                                                                                            Zinc, and more. 

Source: Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook, by R. Pelton
The information provided is this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from you physician or health care provider. 

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