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Common Questions About Neck Pain Relief

woman experiencing neck pain

Neck pain is one of the most common ailments people suffer from. It is important to get neck pain treated and to practice prevention methods. At The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Sacramento, CA, our chiropractors provide a variety of natural treatment methods for neck pain. We will help you return to a healthy, pain-free life. Here are some commonly asked questions about neck pain relief.

Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches?

Neck pain that is caused by stress, pulled muscles, or whiplash and is left untreated can eventually lead to headache pain and possibly migraines. Since the neck is the primary support for the head, any damage to the muscles in the area can eventually lead to varying degrees of pain in both the head and shoulders.

Can My Neck Pain Be Prevented?

Some types of neck pain can be prevented. Reducing your stress and maintaining proper posture are effective ways to help prevent neck pain. It's also beneficial to receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain proper balance.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care works by establishing and maintaining the natural alignment of the body. When you visit us for neck pain, our chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan for you. We can use adjustments, cervical decompression, exercises, and more to alleviate your pain. These methods work to realign the body and strengthen it to avoid future pain or injuries.

Visit Our Chiropractor in Sacramento, CA for Neck Pain Relief

If you are suffering from neck pain, we can help. At The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Sacramento, CA, our team offers personalized care to meet the needs of each patient. We will alleviate your neck pain and help your body heal naturally. Our team is happy to answer any other questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

woman experiencing neck pain

Neck pain is one of the most common ailments people suffer from. It is important to get neck pain treated and to practice prevention methods. At The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Sacramento, CA, our chiropractors provide a variety of natural treatment methods for neck pain. We will help you return to a healthy, pain-free life. Here are some commonly asked questions about neck pain relief.

Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches?

Neck pain that is caused by stress, pulled muscles, or whiplash and is left untreated can eventually lead to headache pain and possibly migraines. Since the neck is the primary support for the head, any damage to the muscles in the area can eventually lead to varying degrees of pain in both the head and shoulders.

Can My Neck Pain Be Prevented?

Some types of neck pain can be prevented. Reducing your stress and maintaining proper posture are effective ways to help prevent neck pain. It's also beneficial to receive regular chiropractic adjustments to maintain proper balance.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care works by establishing and maintaining the natural alignment of the body. When you visit us for neck pain, our chiropractor will create a personalized treatment plan for you. We can use adjustments, cervical decompression, exercises, and more to alleviate your pain. These methods work to realign the body and strengthen it to avoid future pain or injuries.

Visit Our Chiropractor in Sacramento, CA for Neck Pain Relief

If you are suffering from neck pain, we can help. At The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Sacramento, CA, our team offers personalized care to meet the needs of each patient. We will alleviate your neck pain and help your body heal naturally. Our team is happy to answer any other questions you have. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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