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Webster Technique

The Webster Technique in Ottawa is one of the prenatal techniques we receive a lot of referrals, inquiries, and questions about. If you are just starting you research here are some answers to some of the more common questions we get about Webster technique, breech or transverse presentation and how it all works. 

Webster Technique

What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster technique is a chiropractic technique where the chiropractor will check the motion, ease and alignment of the sacrum, the pelvis and related connective tissue. The assessment determines the best way to deliver a chiropractic adjustment to restore balance in the hips, pelvis, sacrum and lower back of the expecting mother. This is the Pub Med link to read more.

Is the Webster Technique safe?

The Webster technique is very safe and is performed during all stages of pregnancy right up to the day of delivery. Most women find the technique to be quite gentle and is non-invasive.

Will I have to do stretches at home?

Webster technique is a pelvic balancing technique that is most useful during pregnancy. Depending on presentation our doctors may ask you to do a series or exercises or stretches to help support your adjustment. Home massage or soft tissue therapy at the attachment points of various key ligaments may also be part of your home care. Here are the stretches we have simplified in these 2 videos

Does the Webster technique hurt?

No, most of our expecting moms find Webster Technique very comfortable, in fact, it should not hurt. The adjustment itself is quite gentle, there may be some slight discomfort at ligament attachment points that will resolve as the pelvis becomes more balanced.

When should you start Webster technique?

The ideal time to begin the Webster technique is as soon as possible. In certain cases we have the luxury to start working on structural issues prior to pregnancy and have a good baseline to maintain during pregnancy and recovery.  If a breech or transverse presentation is confirmed we may start working with an expecting mom around the 30th week of pregnancy. We also see many moms who make a last ditch effort to get baby to turn days before a scheduled External Cephalic Version (ECV)procedure (OBGYN baby turning). Whatever the case, don't worry! Webster is so non-invasive and always worth a try, many times with positive results. We love getting an email from our expectant moms saying they were able to avoid their ECV procedure after the ultrasound confirmed that the baby is head down!

Can a chiropractor flip a breech baby with Webster?

Webster is not a way to flip the baby forcefully like an External Cephalic Version(ECV). The Webster technique works on the principle of mom and baby working together to both be in the right position. It startw with the idea that due to some imbalance in moms pelvis the “happy position” for baby is not head down. If we can change the conditions of moms pelvis then baby naturally finds the head down position preferable. Our chiropractors use Webster and other techniques to encourage the baby to position itself without undue stress or force.

How do I get started with Webster Technique?

The first step is to schedule an exam with one of our chiropractors. You can call, email contact us or directly book online for a prenatal exam. The prenatal exam takes about 45 minutes where our doctor will go over your health history, perform functional scans of your spine and nerve system, check posture, palpate your spine and perform some other orthopedic tests to determine how to best help you. If you are coming to see us, fill out this form and bring them to your first visit, it will save you some time if you fill it out ahead. 

You guys look awesome but I’m not in Ottawa… can you still help?

If you need a referral for a chiropractor in another city please contact us and let us know your city and main intersection where you are and that you are looking for a Webster Chiropractor. We’ll do our best to get you someone great! You can also take a look here to find a Webster Certified Chiropractor

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