• Address

    153 Main St Unit 103,
    Medford, MA 02155

  • Address

    153 Main St Unit 103,
    Medford, MA 02155

Do You Have A Normal Posture?

"Sit upright", " Don't Slouch", Do these sentences remind you of your parents warningyou about your posture?

A badposture not only appears unpleasant, but more importantly, itcould also cause early arthtitis, headaches, neck pain, back pain, and otherspinal and muscluar problems.

Here are afew things to look for when trying to identify noraml from abnormal posture.

Front View (facing amirror)

  1. Is your head tilted to one side or another other than being in the middle of your body?

  2. Are your shoulders even? A difference of more than half an inch is considered abnormal.

  3. Are your shouders rounded?

  4. Are your arms on your side with your palms facing your body? If not, some of your shoulder or trunk muscles could be tight or weak.

  5. Is your torso/trunk straight (normal) or crooked and twisted (abnormal).

  6. Is your pelvis even? Put both of your hands - palms down, on top of your hip bones and see if they are at the same height (normal) or not (abnoraml).

  7. Are your knees bowed or knocked (abnormal) or they stand fairly parellel and about 2-3 inches apart (normal)?

  8. Are your feet flat , pronated, or supinated? Ask your doctor to expalin how each of these conditions could affect your gate and evetually the condition of your whole spine.

Side View (You need another person to either take a piture of your side profile orjust observe and report his findings to you)

  1. Is your head bent or carried forward, or is your chin tucked in or tilted up (abnormal)? Your chin should line up parallel to the ground (normal).
  2. Is your upper back rounded, has a hump or a noticalbe curve? Your upper and mid back should normally have a mild and smooth curve.

  3. Your lower back normally has a mild dip toward your belly. A flat or very deep lower back is abnormal.

  4. Your pelvis should normally appear with a slight forward tilt. Too much forward or backward tilt is abnormal

  5. When viewed from the side,the knees look slightly flexed forward. Again too much flexion forward or extension is abnormal

The above guide provides a general idea with respect to identifying abnormal and normal posture.If you are concerened about your posture, you should have it checked by a professional.

Postural problems take years to develope. The longer posturalproblems continue the more likely their negative effects are going to be onyour health and, if not too late already, the longer they are going to take tocorrect.

Ask your chiropractor how you can improve your posture.

Our Location


153 Main St Unit 103,
Medford, MA 02155


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm



