After over a year of seeing Dr. Harrison my daily back pains are more monthly, my head aches have subsided, and I grew an inch and a half!

- Ferris B.

Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder goes by many names (Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Neurosensory Dysfunction, etc.) but no matter what you call it, the underlying causes of it don’t change. What is more, we strongly feel that sensory issues are one of the most commonly missed diagnoses out there. A properly trained health care provider understands that many common conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and many learning and behavioral issues have many sensory-based challenges, and therefore proper treatment must address these.

Unfortunately, most of our current health care providers have little to no clue how to recognize and treat sensory challenges, especially in young children. There are many warning signs that sensory challenges are developing, but too often are missed at a young age and dismissed by the child’s doctor with “he’ll grow out of it” or “let’s wait and see what happens.” Unfortunately, waiting and seeing is the same as doing nothing, and too often these children have a difficult time later in life overcoming these challenges. It is our mission to educate the community, and especially parents, how to recognize these challenges and also how to treat them as soon as possible.

For children with SPD, this system is essentially not “programmed” correctly. For various reasons, it becomes “chaotic” and “disorganized” as the child develops improperly. This can be caused by a variety of different things. In our office the most common causes we encounter are traumatic birth (i.e. forceps, vacuum extraction, C-section), childhood falls, and improper development through excessive use of infant car carriers, walkers, and jumpers.

The first few months and years of life are more important to our sensory programming and development than any other. When children are put through events like the ones mentioned above, their neurosensory system develops improperly, leaving them either hyper (too much) or hypo (not enough) sensitive to their environment. These imbalances can lead to major challenges and difficulties in social and academic settings, and contribute to other issues such as ADHD, anxiety, OCD, social withdrawal, and learning disabilities.

When it comes to Upper Cervical subluxations and children, Dr. Harrison is an absolute expert. The Balanced Atlas utilizes cutting edge testing that can help determine if your child is developing properly or not. Our examination includes postural assessment, computerized testing of the neurosensory system, which gives us a great look at how well their nervous system is functioning and developing, and precise x-rays of the upper cervical spine. If imbalances are found, they can be addressed through our specific, safe, and gentle NUCCA adjustments. Nowhere else is a combination of care like this available. Give us a call today and let us help, you won’t be disappointed!


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