Ozempic vs Berberine

Ozempic vs Berberine

These two items work in different ways to promote weight loss. But first let’s discuss the both individual items to learn more about them. 


  • Activates the enzyme AMP (activated protein kinase) playing a central role in regulating metabolism.
  • Increases the activity of GLP-1 receptors that regulate appetite and blood sugar levels, which reduces food intake and improves glucose tolerance.


  • Directly mimic’s GLP-1 which the brain signals that you are full after a meal, also slowing down the process of emptying the stomach which reduces the overall food intake.

The purpose for Ozempic is to help individuals with weight gain due to insulin resistance, chronically elevated blood glucose levels. With insulin sensitivity improving and reducing the blood glucose levels it does indirectly promote weight loss.

Berberine typically is the route most people want to go because it is a natural supplement that has way fewer side effects than Ozempic.

The activation of AMPK naturally occurs in the body and the Berberine simply enhances this process.


Both Ozempic and Berberine have proven to be effective in weight loss but each have different mechanisms in this process.

Ozempic has been shown that the weight loss with it not only helps lose excess but also lean muscle mass. Which effects an individual’s aging process because that muscle mass leads to better overall health that we need especially as we age.

Berberine showed significant reductions in BMI, body weight, as well as weight circumference.

The FDA has approved Ozempic for weight management in patients with disorders of blood sugar regulations. But has not been approved for patient who just want to lose weight and that don’t have an issue with regulating blood sugar.



  • Mild gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Interact with other medications


  • Long term effects still unaware
  • Risk of pancreatic/thyroid
  • Kidney problems
  • Low blood sugar
  • Changes in vision
  • Inflammation of your pancreas
  • Gallbladder issues
  • Causes weight gain after stopping


As you can tell from the list above Berberine has your typical side effects which are normal when starting a new supplement but is not affecting other parts of your body/organs. With Ozempic it shows by using that it is going to create other issues bigger than wanting to lose weight. 

Berberine holds a promise in the avoidance of age-related neurodegenerative conditions, which is a better outcome then Ozempic has shown in trials.          


The final difference between these two is the accessibility and financials.

Berberine is a substance that has been around for a longtime, it also is available to everyone without a prescription. Which is huge to people since they are not having to deal with doctor’s appointments and insurance.

Since Ozempic is needed to have a prescription from a doctor this creates more of a hassle to get in with a provider as well as pay for this treatment since most insurances won’t cover it due to patients not having diabetes issues and just wanting the weight loss side of it. Having regular medicals visits to show up to but also the financial burden it puts on patients who are all also at risk to experiencing adverse reactions.

Berberine makes a strong case for itself by the facts of it being natural supplement and easy accessible to everyone. Also knowing the side effects are normal to experience and not going to effect other parts of the body negatively.

If you are wanting to learn more about Berberine and where to purchase this supplement you can click the link below or contact our office to purchase.


Till next time, stay healthy!

DR. Steven M. Nickels, D.C., D.A.C.B.N., D.C.B.C.N. Chiropractic Physician Diplomate/Board Certified Florida License # CH0006361

CITATION:  Makar, H. (2023, June 19). Berberine vs. Ozempic® for weight loss - which is better?. ProHealth.com. https://www.prohealth.com/blogs/control-how-you-age/berberine-and-weight-loss-berberine-vs-ozempic%C2%AE-which-is-better

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