Want to shed those extra pounds for bathing suit season?
Lose the diet drinks and diet food. Studies show that artificial sweeteners can be 100-1000x stronger than sugar and trick your brain into thinking it is getting a carbohydrate. Therefore your body pumps out more insulin, the fat storage hormone and confuses your metabolism and slows it down. At the end of the day, your body will eventually give in and you will have the chocolate, pasta, ice cream, soda, .

If you are going to splurge- have less of the real thing. Proper diet and exercise will help you lose weight. Being of Greek descent, i have always had a little extra padding and if that wasn't enough, most of my friends were naturally bone thin and a size 4 on a bad day. So I have been dieting my whole life, name it, I've tried it. I eventually found that changing my lifestyle was the way to go. Eliminating processed foods. If it came out of a bag, can, box, or machine I wouldn't eat it. (That's not to say I wouldn't have ice cream or pizza on the weekends.) That helped me stay a size 6 for most of my adult life. As far as exercise goes, try to get your heart rate up with 20 min of cardiovascular exercise per day. Walking, swimming, biking, are easy ways to get it and its great to do with a friend.

But what happens when you do all that and still there is no change? That can be frustrating. After I was on 8 months bed rest for pregnancy, I was up to a size 18 two months after giving birth. I tried everything I could to lose weight for a good year. Nothing worked. A colleague introduced me to Boresha Coffee. I thought at first no way- but I was desperate. A coffee that would burn fat while I drank it? It cost less than my $6 per day latte habit and it was worth a try. I lost four pounds the first week. I took me six months to lose four pounds, I was hooked. That was mid January, by May I lost 25 pounds and was a size 10-12. Now I got worried. Was it permanent? So I stopped from June to January. I kept it all off! All I did was have 20oz before breakfast and didn't have anything but water for an hour and then had breakfast and then only water for an hour before the next 20oz of coffee and wait an hour and have lunch. I really didn't change my diet at all.  So last January I did it again, not as faithfully but I'm down to a size 8. My goal is to lose about 10 pounds a year until I can fit into my old clothes.

Now when I can find some time between work and family I will try to do more than walking for exercise. Nothing replaces smart eating habits and exercise to lose weight. But if you need a little help, ask me about Boresha Coffee and teas. It helped me lose the baby weight naturally or you can go to my page on Boresha and there's a link there to tell you more.


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