
Find Relief from Chronic Pain

Chronic pain not only makes it hard to move or engage in substantial activities, but it can also disrupt a person’s life. Normally, the body is supposed to be able to heal itself. Pain is an immediate sensation that identifies when something is wrong. However, once the healing process starts, pain typically subsides and goes away after a while, as things are restored to the status quo.

Unfortunately, in the case of chronic pain, the repair doesn’t happen. The body remains in a state of damage, often with the pain signaling that the injury is occurring repeatedly. It can also result from the body’s messaging system, with nerves malfunctioning as well. At Health First Chiropractic Marysville, we offer natural and effective relief for chronic pain.

Traditional Response

The traditional approach to pain relief is to provide relief from pain itself. This usually comes in the form of pharmaceuticals designed to dull or block nerve receptors in a specific area for a period or to allow the patient to rest. The concept is based on the idea that if the body rests, it repairs itself faster, and the cause of pain disappears. However, when chronic pain is involved, the patient enters a vicious cycle of medication, temporary pain relief, increased pain, and more medication. Eventually, frustrating side effects develop, and the effects of the medication wear off.

A Chiropractic Approach to Chronic Pain

Pain management, often referred to as such, focuses on dulling pain to a tolerable level, but it doesn’t address the underlying cause. A chiropractic approach, on the other hand, views the body as a whole and seeks to identify potential causes. By identifying mechanical and organic factors, pain relief may not only be achievable, but actual recovery can also be encouraged and supported.

A chiropractor addresses chronic pain by pinpointing areas where the body isn't functioning properly, both in terms of function and the relationships between various body parts. While not every cause of pain can be resolved, such as arthritis, this approach can provide relief to nerves and reduce muscular cramping, both of which can alleviate pain for much longer than medication.

Find Chronic Pain Relief in Marysville, WA

If you're considering a new approach to chronic pain with a chiropractor, Dr. Clarke at Health First Chiropractic Marysville is here to assist you. We provide treatments involving pressure, adjustments, and a variety of other chiropractic techniques to offer relief. Schedule an appointment with us today!


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