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Chiropractic the real healthcare

~~Chiropractors have treated sickness without the use of drugs for the past 112 years. They do so without surgical removal or repair of the body and it’s structures. The chiropractic message is simple: that the proactive care of one’s body and wise lifestyle choices are necessary to achieve optimal health. Unlike the preconceived idea that surgical health care is the answer, chiropractors believe that treating the cause of the disease and preventing it is a more progressive way of health care.

Chiropractors believe that maintaining the transmission of the electro-chemical signals that connect your brain, the “master control system” of the body, to every organ is important to your health. Chiropractors work on the fact that the body is a very delicate system. It is so delicate, in fact, that the body has created a system of armor to protect it. The first is the skull, which protects the brain. The second most important part of the body, which is an extension of the brain, is the spine, which protects the spinal cord. Consisting of 24 vertebrae which allows humans to walk upright, but also has a set of nerves that run through it to every other system of the body through holes called foramen.

Chiropractors help maintain the proper position of these joints and the organs they protect, which is your nervous system. Added pressure on the root nerves that leave the spine through the foramen to control and regulate all of the organs in the body can affect millions of nerve fibers. Pressure on the brain stem can also affect millions of nerve fibers. The pressure and interference of these nerve fibers can have detrimental affects on your health.

Chiropractors detect and correct the causes of these interferences. They also oppose water fluoridation, mass vaccination, the over-use of prescription drugs, food additives and have always believed that correcting the cause of disease is better than merely treating it or covering up the symptoms. Chiropractors are very important to the progression of medicine. After all, they do help you maintain a health spine that allows your body to adapt, regulate and fully realize the natural methods of avoiding disease and achieving health.