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Chiropractor,s Better Than Drugs for Restless Leg Syndrome

~~Chiropractor’s Better Than Drugs for Restless Leg Syndrome

 Vol 17 Issue 123/p>

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is described as a sleep disorder in which a person experiences vague, unpleasant, seldom painful, but always very annoying, sensations in the legs such as creeping, crawling, and tingling. These sensations occur in the thigh down to the ankle. One or both legs may be affected and, for a small percentage, the sensations may also be experienced in the arms. The symptoms usually occur when the person lies down or sits for prolonged periods of time, such as at a desk, riding in a car, or watching a movie.

RLS medication drugs such as Requip (ropinirole) and Mirapex (pramipexole) target dopamine receptors in the brain, which are linked to risk and reward. These medications can aggravate gambling or compulsive sex addictions in some people, Dr. Tagliati says. Other side effects may include; Anxiety, buzzing or ringing in the ears, sneezing, changes in vision and trouble in swallowing. Some medications may worsen your symptoms. These include most antidepressants and some anti-nausea drugs.

Chiropractors have no competition in diagnosing and effectively treating this condition, relieving many patients of lifelong discomfort and frustration without the risk of the drugs strange side effects.


•Recognize that RLS is caused by a pelvic instability, with stress placed on the sacral base in an anterior direction and increasing the lumbo-sacral lordosis.

•Correction of lower extremity instability in the feet, ankles, legs, knees, and hips is mandatory.

•Chiropractic therapy for pelvic and lumbo-sacral instability.

•Exercise. Specific exercises for strengthening the pelvis, lumbo-sacral angle, and intervertebral discs are important. A regular program of walking seems to be most successful.

•Leg stretches. Beginning and ending each day by stretching (hamstring shortening) the legs is helpful.

•Avoidance of certain medications. Anti-nausea drugs, anti-psychotics, and some cold and allergy medications have been found to aggravate symptoms of restless legs syndrome.


Chiropractors recognize that structural issues may be a major contributing factor. This makes a visit to a chiropractor the top choice when it comes to finding relief from the causes and symptoms of RLS.