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Chiropractor in Castle Rock

Chiropractors practice chiropractic a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.[1] Chiropractors emphasize manual and manipulative therapy for the treatment of joint dysfunctions. "Doctor of Chiropractic" (D.C.) is a degree for chiropractors in North America

In some countries chiropractors earn a professional doctorate where training is entered after obtaining between 90 and 120 credit hours of university level work and in most cases after obtaining a bachelors degree. The World Health Organization lists three potential educational paths involving fulltime chiropractic education around the globe. This includes: one to four years of pre-requisite training in basic sciences at university level followed by a four-year fulltime doctorate program; DC. A five-year integrated bachelor degree; BSc (Chiro). A two-to-three year Masters Degree following the completion of a bachelor degree leads to the MSc (Chiro).[1] In South Africa the Masters of Technology in Chiropractic (M.Tech Chiro) is granted following 6 years of university. No less than 4200 student/teacher contact hours (or the equivalent) in four years of fulltime education. This includes a minimum of 1000 hours of supervised clinical training.[1] Health professionals with advanced clinical degrees, such as medical doctors, can meet the educational and clinical requirements to practice as a chiropractor in 2200 hours, which is most commonly done in countries where the profession is in its infancy.[3]

Upon meeting all clinical and didactic requirements of chiropractic school, a degree in chiropractic is granted. However, in order to practice, chiropractors must be licensed. The regulatory boards are responsible for protecting the public, standards of practice, disciplinary issues, quality assurance and maintenance of competency.[4] Currently, chiropractors practice in over 100 countries in all regions of the world, however chiropractors are most prevalent inNorth America, Austrailia and parts of Europe.[1][5]

Dr. Helms specializes in holistic healing of the body for the Castle Rock, Colorado area.  Dr. Helms also serves:  Lone Tree Colorado, Sedalia Colorado, Larkspur Colorado, Franktown Colorado, Castle Pines Colorado, Elizabeth Colorado, Louviers and the surrounding areas.  The zip codes of these areas that are serviced are:

Castle Rock:
80104, 80108, 80109

Lone Tree:
80112, 80124






If you are experiencing back pain, migraines, neck pain, whiplash, numbness & tingling in the arms and legs, headaches, stiffness, sleeping problems, nervousness, fainting, cold feet, cold sweats, tension, irritability, chest pain, dizziness, head seems heavy, pins and needles in the arms and legs, loss of smell, hands cold, fever, numbness in the fingers, numbness in the toes, shortness of breath, fatigue, depression, loss of taste, upset stomach, light sensitivity, loss of memory, ears ring, flushed face, buzzing in the ears, loss of balance, constipation or diarrhea from day to day activities, auto accident, injury, sports injury, or collision we can help you recover and bring you back to health.

It's Your Life... Live it in Health!
Dr. Ryan Helms
Castle Rock Chiropractor | Chiropractor in Castle Rock | Helms Chiropractic & Wellness |  303-858-8288