Take Care of Your Back with These Tips for Pain Prevention

back pain preventionWhether your job here in Lake Worth involves twisting and lifting, standing for long periods or sitting at a desk, it all can lead to chronic back pain. Pain in your back can manifest as a deep ache, throbbing pain, burning or sharp pains. By taking a few preventative measures, you can reduce your chance of injury and keep your daily aches and pains to a minimum.

Preventing Back Pain: Give Your Back a Break

If you have a sedentary job that involves sitting at a desk and using a computer, make sure that everything is adjusted for maximum comfort. Your monitor should be at eye level without requiring you to bend your neck up or down. Your keyboard should be a comfortable distance away from your body and at a height that allows you to hold your wrists straight while typing. If prolonged sitting is causing you pain, consider a standing desk. Many people have reported feeling more alert and experiencing less pain in their upper and lower backs.

Make sure you get up to stretch and walk around often. Changing positions can help reduce muscle tension. Aim for at least five minutes of movement every hour. If you don't have time to get up and walk around, at least stand and stretch. Stretch your neck to relieve tension by letting your head hang down and moving your neck in circles. Do not strain while stretching or try to overextend, as this can cause injury.

When lifting or carrying something heavy, be sure to lift with your legs to avoid strain on your back. Plan your route before lifting an object so that you aren't making decisions while holding it. Stand as close as possible to the object and kneel to lift properly; never bend from the waist, since this makes your back do the work. Do not try to lift heavy or bulky items without assistance. It is easy to overbalance and cause an injury. Our Lake Worth chiropractor can teach you proper lifting techniques.

What are some of your best back pain tips?


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