Causes of Neck Pain

Causes of Neck Pain Explained by Our Tacoma Chiropractor

Neck pain is a common problem that many people in Tacoma experience. Unfortunately, neck pain can make life difficult and unenjoyable. At Proctor Chiropractic, our Tacoma chiropractor helps patients understand the cause of their neck pain, so they can avoid this kind of problem in the future.

woman with neck pain in tacoma

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can have many causes. People who suffer from neck pain may experience this problem because of their own behavior, or because of injuries that they have experienced in the past. Some of the most common causes of neck pain include:

  • Text neck:

    Text neck is a condition that occurs when patients spend too much time bending over their hand held devices. Texting, talking and browsing can all lead to problems with posture and other issues. Avoiding texting and Internet browsing on a hand held device may not be possible, but holding up the hand held device to eye level can help the patient avoid pain.

  • Whiplash:

    This is a condition that occurs when the patient's head is jerked forward and then backward quickly, often in a car accident. Whiplash can cause muscle strain that leads to neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, insomnia, difficulty focusing, irritability and more. At Proctor Chiropractic, we treat whiplash with a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustment, massage therapy and more.

  • Muscle strain:

    Muscle strain can be caused by many factors, including injury and repetitive motion from occupational activities. Muscle strain can cause neck pain and can even cause headaches when the muscle pain radiates up the scalp into the head.

  • Bulging disc:

    A bulging disc is typically caused by an injury or natural wear on the spine. Bulging discs are treated with spinal adjustment, massage therapy, lifestyle advice and stretches and exercise.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Chiropractor in Tacoma

At Proctor Chiropractic we use natural chiropractic techniques to treat patients who suffer from neck pain. To find out more about how our Chiropractor in Tacoma WA can help you, contact us at 253-756-7500.

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