3 Ways Nutrition Consulting Can Improve Your Health

3 Ways Nutrition Consulting Can Improve Your Health

Do you need help losing those last 10 pesky pounds? Are you worried that even though you’re a healthy weight, you’re not making the right food choices for your body? If you feel tired, sluggish or struggle to live an active lifestyle, nutritional consulting can help.

Our Tacoma, WA chiropractors, Dr. Georg Keogh and Dr. Joseph Luke, are both qualified to offer personalized nutrition consulting. At Proctor Chiropractic, we place a special emphasis on how the foods you eat affect your whole body health, helping you separate the “hype” about diet fads from reality. Our focus on customized nutrition makes it easier for our patients to lose weight and naturally maintain this weight loss, since they are eating the right foods for their unique health needs.

Weight Loss & Nutrition Counseling

Here’s how nutrition consulting can improve your health:

  1. Lose weight safely and permanently. Frustrated with previous attempts to lose weight? Get off the weight loss rollercoaster once and for all with a customized dietary plan that works for your body and your lifestyle. Our chiropractors will help you make gradual dietary changes so your body never feels deprived but instead feels energized!
  2. Get back in control of your diet. From “super foods” that stop cancer to foods that burn fat overnight, the media hypes up so much conflicting dietary advice that it’s no surprise most folks are unsure what’s healthy and what isn’t! We take the mystery out of a grocery store shopping trip so you know exactly which foods are right for your body’s needs.
  3. Eat for better performance. Food is fuel, especially if you’re training for an upcoming race. Whether that’s your first marathon or you’ve got a specific PR in mind, nutrition plays a big component in race day success. Our chiropractors can help you structure a diet that’s right for your training needs as part of a comprehensive sports and wellness program.

For more information on how nutrition counseling can help you achieve your weight loss or fitness goals like we did for many of our patients from Tacoma, WA, schedule an appointment with our chiropractors today and contact us at 253-756-7500.

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