What are the benefits of combining massage therapy and chiropractic care?

What are the benefits of combining massage therapy and chiropractic care?

While it may sound strange, it is true: When you combine massage therapy with your chiropractic treatment plan, you will heal faster. In fact, that is precisely why we offer massage therapy to our patients at Proctor Chiropractic. Learn more about why this works to determine whether you should be scheduling yourself a massage before your next Tacoma WA chiropractic treatment. 

Why Massage Speeds Chiropractic Healing

There are a number of reasons that massage therapy and chiropractic are complementary therapies. Massage relieves muscle tension that can actually pull realigned vertebrae back out of alignment. When your muscles are loose instead of tight, you are more likely to remain in alignment in between chiropractic sessions. Likewise, our chiropractor will be able to perform chiropractic adjustments easier when a massage beforehand loosens up your muscles and relieves tension. 

Additionally, massage can alleviate stiffness and soreness, and can break up scar tissue, just like chiropractic can. When you are seeking treatment after experiencing an accident or injury, the combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care can help you heal faster and more fully. 

Ultimately, both massage therapy and chiropractic care are gentle, non-invasive and holistic healing methods you can use to get mental and physical relief. When you are in pain, you do not have to suffer. 

Both massage and chiropractic adjustments can soothe pain and inflammation, activate the body's natural healing system, and bring relief. 

Both treatment methods are also appropriate for individuals of all ages, including children and pregnant women, and can be tailored to your preferences and needs. 

Scheduling Massage With Chiropractic Treatments

Massage works well when scheduled before your chiropractic adjustment as it essentially "warms up" the body to receive the adjustment. If your muscles are stiff, or if your mind is busy, you might resist the adjustment. When your muscles are loose and your mind is relaxed, your adjustment experience will be easier and more pleasant. 

Talk to us today about scheduling a massage to speed chiropractic healing. What is your favorite style of massage to enjoy? 

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