Find Allergy Relief with Our Chiropractors in Tacoma

Chiropractic Care and Allergy Relief in Tacoma

Allergies and Chiropractic CareAllergy relief is normally not the first thought which comes to mind when considering chiropractic care in Tacoma. While most turn to medications and the indoors to calm severe allergy symptoms, allergy relief is one of the many benefits our chiropractors in Tacoma offers patients. Dr. Keogh, DC and Dr. Chinn, DC provide patients with effective, natural relief from allergies.

Your body's primary defense against allergens like pollen is the same as its defense against viruses and bacteria -- the immune system. When put under stress, the spine undergoes distortions called subluxations. A subluxation or misalignment of the spine blocks the lines of communication between the body and the brain, hindering the function of all the body's systems, including the immune system.

When not functioning at an optimal level, the immune system's response to allergens entering the body is slowed. This gives allergens the time necessary to irritate your sinus membrane, causing the runny nose, itchy eyes, and burning associated with allergies.

Using the Gonstead Method, one of the gentlest and most effective methods of chiropractic care in Tacoma, our Tacoma chiropractors effectively treat allergies by realigning the spine and opening up the pathway of communication between the brain and the body. An aligned spine allows the body's immune system to function at its highest level, keeping pesky allergens at bay.

Accelerate Healing with Our Tacoma Chiropractors

In addition to relieving allergy symptoms, an improved immune system also accelerates the healing process. Our chiropractors offer chiropractic rehabilitation in Tacoma to help injured patients achieve full recovery in less time. Through corrective exercise, stretching, and spinal manipulation, chiropractic rehabilitation in Tacoma allows patients to return to their lifestyles and desired level of activity free from pain, while reducing the risk of future injury.

If your body could benefit from an improved immune system's allergy relief or accelerated healing, contact our office for an appointment today.

How do you manage your allergy symptoms? Please share in the comments below.

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