What is Causing My Headaches?

Help for Tacoma Headache and Migraine Sufferers

Tacoma headache patients treated with chiropractic careAlmost everyone in Tacoma (and the world) will suffer from a headache at some point in their lives, and the causes behind the pain can be as individual as the person suffering. Headache and migraine pain is actually a symptom that indicates that there may be something else amiss in the body, particularly with the alignment of the spine. For example, many people who have suffered whiplash in a sports injury, workers compensation or car accident injury report suffering back pain and headaches too. Migraine sufferers and tension headache sufferers also report that certain external factors seem to trigger their suffering.

3 Common Triggers for Headaches and Migraines

While the causes behind headaches and migraines are still under investigation, research points to some clear triggers that people prone to headaches should try to avoid:

Stress-Stress can cause both hormonal changes and physiological changes in the muscles supporting the spine that can trigger headaches. Taking time out to relax and do things to de-stress can help to reduce headaches caused by too much stress.

Sleep deprivation-Not getting enough sleep, or changes in sleep patterns (like jet lag) also seem to instigate migraines and headaches. Sticking to a steady sleep schedule so the body and mind get an optimal amount of rest can help.

Foods-Chemicals in certain foods also seem to trigger migraines. Tyramine is a chemical that occurs naturally in aged cheeses, some processed meats, red wine and other alcoholic drinks. Many other preservatives and additives in processed foods seem to cause problems as well, so focus on more natural and organic foods and an overall healthy diet.

In addition to these common triggers, spinal misalignments in different areas of the spine can also lead to more headaches. Call us for an appointment so that we can try to find out what is causing your migraines or headaches and help you find lasting relief.

If you suffer from headaches or migraines, what seems to trigger them? What treatments have you sought?


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