How to select quality Hemp proucts

I have been using Hemp oil in my practice to mitigate pain and inflammation, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety.

But please if you consider Hemp products from other suppliers, here are the criteria that are essential when making your choice:

Full spectrum: CBD in isolation will not work nearly as well as a full-spectrum phytocannabinoid product, because full-spectrum means that it contains all of the phytocannabinoids from hemp and they work synergistically to produce the "entourage effect". The entourage effect allows for better results with lower doses. Note: "broad spectrum" is not the same as full spectrum and will not give you the complete spectrum of phytocannabinoids.

Active phytocannabinoids: here's where you really need to read labels carefully. If a product label lists the milligrams of "hemp extract", that's different from a label that specifies the milligrams of phytocannabinoids. The amount of hemp extract may look like a lot but you don't know the amount of active phytocannabinoids that are in it.

Certificate of Analysis: the supplier should be able to give you a lot-specific Certificate of Analysis upon request, so that you can see for yourself what the testing reveals in terms of phytocannabinoid and terpene content.

Organic: is it organic and/or has it been tested for pesticides?

Flavorings: DFH phytocannabinoid products do not contain any flavorings other than the naturally occurring terpenes, because the hemp oil went through a final extraction process that produces a very pure, clean oil that does not need to be masked with any other flavors.

Additional ingredients: have other ingredients been added to "aid absorption"? If the product is full spectrum, it shouldn't need any other ingredients to assist with absorption.

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