Dear Patient and Friend,

COVID-19 appears to be a variant form of Coronavirus that can spread a greater distance than normal.  Some have suggested that COVID-19 may involve “Prevotella”, a bacterium known to cause respiratory tract infections, and may explain some of the observed symptoms. The bottom line is that you need to be cautious, but don’t overreact. Here are some guidelines that you need to follow, not only to protect yourself but others.

  • If you are running a fever, have a non-productive cough and show signs of difficult breathing stay home and call your doctor.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water. 
  • Change your clothes daily.
  • Use disinfectants on publicly used areas and countertops.
  • Take supplements thought to be useful in the prevention of coronavirus infection: Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, elderberry, echinacea, zinc, selenium, quercetin, Vitamin D, Bifidobacterium strain of probiotics and sporebiotics. NAC, spirulina, beta-glucan and glucosamine are also thought to be helpful.  We are recommending and taking ourselves a combination of products 2 x daily.  We currently have them for you as well.
  • Supporting immune function by eliminating sugars, alcohol, refined carbohydrates and packaged foods are helpful for all-around good health.
  • Get some exercise, walk outside, stretch, and breathe deeply. Open windows and let the fresh air circulate in your space.
  • Chiropractic care, acupuncture, low energy light laser, diathermy, and ionization foot bath are been sited to stimulate and maintain a healthy immune response. 

When you come to the office you will notice we have complied with CDC standards. We are wiping down headpieces on tables and instruments between each treatment.  We are washing our hands or using a sanitizer between each patient. We are also running ionization air cleaners to minimize airborne contaminants.  We are doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for you to be treated.

If you want to be checked for fever, please ask one of our staff members and we will be happy to check you immediately.

WE will get through this together.


With love and respect for your health,

Dr. Tom Roselle and the Roselle Center Staff


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