Important Information Regarding COVID-19 and the Roselle Center

My Dear Friends,

It is my sincere hope that you are all faring well and are healthy, both physically and emotionally during this challenging time in our society.   My family and the Roselle Center staff are praying that this will end soon. Our goal that will all work together to restore our communities back to normalcy sooner than later.

Department of Homeland Security has officially declared chiropractic care “Essential and Necessary” health care.  We are currently seeing patients on an emergency basis. Our plan is to reopen on Monday, 20 APRIL to our patients, at large.  If you have an emergency (intractable pain), please don’t hesitate to call the office, (703)-698-7117. One of our staff or doctor will get back to you, as soon as possible.  We are in the office filing nutritional orders and other immediate requests.  If you need vitamins or need recommendations on how to keep your immune system strong during this time, please call.

When we reopen on Monday, 20 APRIL the following protocols will be followed:

  1. All staff members will be wearing masks and gloves where appropriate.
  2. Social distancing will be observed.  Our reception area has been arranged to conform to CDC recommendations.
  3. In order to protect other patients, our staff and our community, each incoming patient will be pre-screened and will be asked to sign a document asking about any symptoms, travel, and exposure they may have had.
  4. We will scan temperatures of incoming patients prior to being treated.
  5. Our front door and bathroom doors have been opened to minimize contact with handles.
  6. Each treatment room and table/headrest will be sanitized between each patient visit.
  7. Common areas will be continually cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.
  8. Staff clothing will be changed and washed daily.
  9. Pens and writing material will be sanitized after each use.
  10. We ask that you only have one companion with you if your condition requires assistance.

These protocols and other necessary procedures are implemented to protect all.  Your patience will be greatly appreciated as we are all navigating through these many challenges.  Just know that everything we do is to provide the best medical care for you and your family.

Protect yourself through sensible social distancing.  Avoid sugars of any type except for a couple of servings of fruit per day.  Eat vegetables and keep your protein levels at a minimum of 50 grams per day.  For those of you who find it difficult to get adequate protein, we can send you Perfect Amino, which supplies you with the essential amino acids needed.

Please make sure you are taking Zinc, Vita D and C, Quercitin and a probiotic daily.  We have multiple immune supports.  Call and ask what nutraceuticals might be specific to your health and wellness improvement.

Love to all of you,

Dr. Tom Roselle, DC


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