As Fall and Winter approach and the looming COVID-19 and Delta Variant overwhelm our media, we want to take this opportunity to address the protocols the office has implemented with the goal of keeping the safety for staff, patients, and their families.

We all look for some semblance of normalcy, with the realistic application of risk assessment.  The public information is confusing and changing daily.  Keeping up with effective protocols and still maintaining individual’s privacy and liberties is quite a challenge.

The following is a few (but not limited to) protocols to ensure the safety of all:

We are still wiping down high-touch areas (pens, charge machines, chairs, tables, doorknobs, treatment tables, etc.) multiple times daily.

            Staff is monitored for symptoms (fever, headache, dizziness, loss of taste/smell, etc.)

Patients or staff who have tested positive are immediately quarantined for a minimum of 14 days with a supporting test (PCR) of negative results.  Tele-medicine consultations are available while in isolation.  Supplementation can be mailed out to patients.

Ionizer air cleaners are placed throughout the office to combat airborne viral and bacterial pathogens.

Masks are back in place.  In accordance with State Mandates (July 2021), we require both staff and patients wear masks while in our office.  Masks are available for those who forgot or lost their masks.

Serology (blood) tests for IgG and IgM (active/antibody) activity are available while supplies last.

All protocols are subject to modification as new information is vetted and applicable to our practice and as is mandated by State and Federal regulations.  Above all else, your health and wellbeing are paramount to providing the best care.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Dr. Roselle and the Roselle Center of Healing Staff


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