Every year on October 16th people from around the world join together on World Spine Day to raise awareness about spinal disorders as part of the Bone and Joint Decade’s Action Week. You can GET INVOLVED!

Millions of people in all continents of the world suffer with spinal disorders. These can include low back pain, neck pain, scoliosis and disc disease, to name but a few. Spinal pain and disability can have a profound effect on a person’s overall health, sometimes preventing them from working or even doing simple daily activities.

Research has demonstrated that poor posture and inactivity are major contributors to the development of back pain and other spinal disorders. According to the World Health Organization, one in four adults is not active enough and over 80% of adolescent population is not active enough.

This year, the World Spine Day (WSD) theme is “Your Back In Action”.  We want to highlight the importance of physical activity and improving posture as part of good spinal health and prevention of injury.

To mark World Spine Day, organisations and people worldwide are being encouraged to plan special events around the theme of “Your Back in Action” #yourbackinaction to raise awareness of good spinal health. Check out our resources page and past events to inspire you and help get you started!

Simply registering your support via the organisations page helps us to spread the word and help us keep you in touch with the latest events occuring worldwide!

Read the full article here


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